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Gog Galaxy and the Steam Controller


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This post was recognized by Pickysaurus!

dizietemblesssma was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 10 points.

I recently was on a googleduckbing and found that a comment of mine regarding using a steam controller with a GOG game and launching via Vortex  is now on the wiki!


So I thought I'd add here my recent adventure in getting the GOG Galaxy client to work but also have the steam controller working.

There are two approaches:

a) ensure that the GOG Galaxy is set to use the executable you prefer i.e. skse_loader.exe versus SkyrimSE.exe, set steam to run the galaxyclient.exe as a non-steam game with the appropriate command switches to tell galaxycleint.exe what game to run, then (optional) set Vortex to launch the steam-non game that is galaxyclient.exe.  Screenshots follow:









note that in the second screen shot the gameid variable is the GOG Galaxy gameid which can be found in the goglog.ini file in the GOG game's root directory.

For me, this approach works, with these caveats; after exiting the game. steam still thinks that galaxyclient is running and the 'game' is shown green as such in the steam client, this is because GOG Galaxy is still running even though the game has exited.  Closing GOG Galaxy is so far the only solution I have to this.  The Galaxy overlay does not work but I have tested tie tracking and I received a Galaxy achievement during play, though this only showed up after I exited the game.


b) the second approach is to reverse the first two steps, make steam launch the game exe, set the GOG Galaxy executable to be the steam.exe and launch paramaters, and then set Vortex to launch the galaxyclient.exe with its launch parameters.

Although I got the game to run with the steam controller this way, I did not get any time tracking or achievements in GOG Galaxy.  It is the achievements that I wish to get  now that I have the GOG version of SkyrimSE.  Therefore this second approach seems to serve no purpose:)

YMMV of course, make of this what you will.  Here's hoping the spoiler tag works on the images!




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