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Upcoming CP update - what about the mods? :o


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Hej 🙂

I'm pretty new to modding, I discovered it when 2.1 was already out. Guess some mods will not work anymore when the new CP update will be released next week until the authors updated their mods as well. What's the best thing to do when the new CP update is out? Deactivating the mods, not upgrading CP until the mods are up-to-date as well..?




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It's always a good idea to wait until the core mods are updated. On the GoG platform you have the choice which patch level shall be installed. Core mods are the ones that many others depend on. Like:

Cyber Engine Tweaks (might work after game update), Red4Ext, Redscript, TweakXL, Codeware, Modsettings, Native Settings Ui, ArchiveXL, Equipment-EX, Virtual Atelier, etc.

So, if you can decide when your game is updated please be patient until the core mods are updated. Otherwise it can happen that your game quits with script error messages when you use these mods.

Mods that are not dependend on these might work or do not prevent your game from loading.

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