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Mod that makes the player's speed match that of npcs?


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Its an infamous problem that npcs don't either run or walk at the same speed as the player. It makes following them rather annoying. There are mods that adjust the speed of npcs to match the player, but this causes issues with them missing spots they're supposed to be (Faralda comes to mind, with such a mod installed she won't light all the beacons along the bridge to the CoW due to her miscalulating how far she's moved due to the adjusted move speed).

So why not do it the other way around and adjust the player's speed to match other npcs? It would have the same effect as changing the speed of npcs, but without the resulting compatibility issues.

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I thought it was an idea that's why I went to see your post, but it was a request, in the style of the requests that you make and not like the ones they say here,  and here . I have to stand firm as I said before and not enter these posts, it's always the same type.

You should try this mod, it affects the speed of the character (and some NPCs such as guards) it does not modify the speed of side or main quest NPCs.

I was going to try some that modify the NPCs so that they walk at the speed of the character but if I did I imagined that it would be boring since there are missions where the NPCs run, others jog and others simply walk, where each one does it according to their race, style of armor, If I modified it they would just walk or run since the player only does those two, it gives diversity even if it has its little details

Edited by rodr1ss
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