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Vortex Keeps Freezing While Installing Mods

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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While I try to install to install mods for Baldur's Gate 3, Vortex freezes up and will sit frozen for quite a while or until i restart vortex. even after restarting it will freeze up after installing about 4 mods. Unsure as to why this is happening but its quite annoying when trying to install a 1285 mod modpack.


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Can you provide a link to a specific mod you're having this problem with?

At what point exactly does it freeze? What is the message on screen during the process?

My guess from the limited info provided is you have a security app on your PC interfering with Vortex's installer. 

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Can you provide a screenshot of what's on the screen when it's frozen (if possible)? 

Something in your setup is likely to be causing the problem but at which specific point it freezes is quite important. I would suggest installing .NET 6 and the C++ Redistributables as this covers a lot of these problems. 

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I've been going through similar issues with BG3 through Vortex this past week as well. I don't know exactly what is going on, but the "freezing" part seems to be coming from high CPU usage. If you have Windows Defender real-time protection enabled, Vortex will have high CPU usage ~30% when installing mods, and Windows Defender will be using the same with its Antimalware Service Executable process. But if you disable real-time protection while installing mods, then it's the System process that does the same as Antimalware Service Executable process albeit less often/less CPU usage. Since I was also having this issue, I'm currently trying Pickysaurus' recommendation of .NET 6 and C++ to see if that fixes it, I'll edit this post later on if it fixes it.

Edit: 2/15/24 - Same as OP, reinstalling .NET 6 and C++ Redistributables fixed the issue.

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