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Finding mods used in a save


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Okay guys, about six months ago I deleted Skyrim from my computer to make room for other games. I've since regretted that and have upgraded my HD and reinstalled Skyrim but I've lost all my many downloaded mods. I'd like to pick up an old save that I had and I'm curious if there's a tool to find out all the mods I had on that save? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

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Wrye Bash has a saves tab where it will list all the saves in the default save location.  Highlighting a save will list all the plugins that were in use on that save file.  While you could use that list to seek out the necessary plugins, it would be impossible to know which non-plugin mods were also in use.

If you were to find all the necessary plugins, you may find that the save will load and the game function without issue.  And yet, the eye-candy (loose meshes and textures) might not be what you remember.

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Mod Organizer 2 also lists which mods are missing when you mouse over a save file, in a profile's Saves tab. 

(Though yah, Wrye Bash is probably simpler than moving your whole mod setup into Mod Organizer, if you don't use MO already. 🙂  EDIT: Plus Wrye Bash can be loaded in MO, too.)

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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