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Getting 429 error in Vortex, but can manually download mods just fine

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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I'm just really confused. I've been trying to download a collection for Cyberpunk 2077, and now it's failing to find dependencies and giving me a 429 error any time I try to start it?

I saw that it might be a block or something, but I can download directly just fine (not that that helps with a collection) and I am just wondering if something is going on or what I should do. I don't understand the issue at this point and I'm not sure what is going on.


EDIT: well?? it seems to be working now, and also I cannot delete this so uhhhhh. sorry i guess?

Edited by aimlesscomposer
It's working now I suppose?
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8 hours ago, jantheotherman said:

What am I supposed to do if I'm consistently at the API limit despite being logged off from the Nexus site and Vortex for several months?

This isn't related to the OP's issue, but you're probably getting a different message. 


If you're using Vortex, please open a new thread in this forum and we'll take a look. Please provide a screenshot of the error, if possible.


If you're not using Vortex, please check with the developer of the application for assistance. 

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