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Max distance from 0, 0, 0 to object in interior cell


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Im searching for answer concerning the max. distance to object starting from 0,0,0 since i found the game, cell crashes into singularity once one or a specific number of objects exceed a certain distance, i assume its 30000+.

So coordinates of

x = 30.000

y = 30.000

z = 30.000

will crash the game when entering the cell, at least - depending on the objects per cell will force all the objects to move to 0,0,0 or something. Its funny and interesting but frustrating also.

Any insight is highly appreciated.

So far i couldnt find anything on the wiki:




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  • 1 month later...

Wow, i had no idea it was that big. That's 8x8 16x16 exterior cells. Given the frequency of load doors in dungeons(more Skyrim than FO4) I assumed it was way smaller than that.

Edited by worm82075
corrected mistake.
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So its uGrid 8 for interior by default, right?

20 minutes ago, worm82075 said:

That's 8x8 exterior cells.

Yeah, thats very impressive. It can be 16 cell transitions when enter/exit is set clever.

I noticed that when keeping texture load small the cells can be massively eventhough very minimal on performance/load.

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1 hour ago, worm82075 said:

whoops, bad math it's actually 16x16 exterior cells which is 4x bigger.

uGrid 1 = 4096

uGrid 8 = 32768

uGrid 16 = 65536

your right, eventhough i thought in 3D space (x,y,z, 64k) when writing the "bad math" message. 😄

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