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Skyrim SE, in Mod Organizer 2, on Linux -- working well so far!


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Hi there,

I quit using Windows 11 and Vortex. Now I am using MX-Linux and plan to make MO2 running and mod my new Skyrim SE and FO4, FO3, and FNV when I have enough SSD-Storage.

Thank you for all that info and the extremely valuable tips you wrote here!

This makes me confident that I will manage to configure MO2 for my games and can play them modded in MO2 on my Linux

Please excuse my English. I'm still learning.
Greetings from Germany

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14 hours ago, Fouvale said:

Thank you for all that info and the extremely valuable tips you wrote here!

You're welcome, @Fouvale!  I'm glad it was helpful.

14 hours ago, Fouvale said:

Please excuse my English. I'm still learning.

It's a lot better than my German!  Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, even after several years of it in school 20+ years ago.  I understand well enough how to pronounce it, and how the language works.  But I never learned quite enough vocabulary to be fluent. 


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On 7/13/2024 at 4:46 PM, AaronOfMpls said:

You're welcome, @Fouvale!  I'm glad it was helpful.

It's a lot better than my German!  Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht, even after several years of it in school 20+ years ago.  I understand well enough how to pronounce it, and how the language works.  But I never learned quite enough vocabulary to be fluent. 


No problem @AaronOfMpls,

most people understand and write English and for me, it's okay cause that way I can train my abilities.

I read the GitHub of Rockerbacon and he writes one must have the game in steam.

Do you know if modding the game with MO2 is also possible when it's in GOG ?

I have bought it there via a Summer auction much cheaper than Steam offers it already or should I better ask Rockerbaron directly?

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2 hours ago, Fouvale said:

I read the GitHub of Rockerbacon and he writes one must have the game in steam.

Do you know if modding the game with MO2 is also possible when it's in GOG ?

I have bought it there via a Summer auction much cheaper than Steam offers it already or should I better ask Rockerbaron directly?

I don't know.  If you have Steam, you could try adding GOG Skyrim SE to Steam as a non-Steam game.  But the MO2 installer might not find it, since the Steam ID will be different. 

I'd test it myself, but I don't have a non-Steam copy of Skyrim -- or any of my other Bethesda games that MO2 works with.*  Nor do I remember enough about the installation process when I ran it back in January. 


* Steam was the only (legal) option when I got the DVD-ROM version of Skyrim back in 2012.  I bought Morrowind and Oblivion, and Fallout 3 and NV, in Steam sales in 2013.  I got Skyrim SE for free on Steam after it came out.  And I don't have Fallout 4 or Starfield at all.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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10 hours ago, AaronOfMpls said:

I don't know.  If you have Steam, you could try adding GOG Skyrim SE to Steam as a non-Steam game.  But the MO2 installer might not find it, since the Steam ID will be different. 

I'd test it myself, but I don't have a non-Steam copy of Skyrim -- or any of my other Bethesda games that MO2 works with.*  Nor do I remember enough about the installation process when I ran it back in January. 


* Steam was the only (legal) option when I got the DVD-ROM version of Skyrim back in 2012.  I bought Morrowind and Oblivion, and Fallout 3 and NV, in Steam sales in 2013.  I got Skyrim SE for free on Steam after it came out.  And I don't have Fallout 4 or Starfield at all.

Ah ok. I try to ask Rockerbacon. Maybe he knows if it's possible. When not, I wait until Steam offers it cheaper. At the moment it costs nearly 40.00 Eur and that is too expensive in my opinion 'cause I bought it for 10 bucks on GOG.

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Hi @all. 
I dont understand why intstall.sh does not recognize my game in the following folder "/media/nvme1n1p1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Fallout 3 goty/" and it recognizes /media/nvme1n1p1/SteamLibary but not the rest of the path.

Everytime I run it it says me that:
INFO: all dependencies met
INFO: selected game 'fallout3_goty'
INFO: found Steam in '/home/tuxpete/.steam/debian-installation'
INFO: game not found in '/home/tuxpete/.steam/debian-installation'
INFO: found Steam in '/home/tuxpete/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam'
INFO: game not found in '/media/nvme1n1p1/SteamLibrary'
INFO: game not found in '/home/tuxpete/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam'
ERROR: could not find any Steam library containing a game with appid '22370'. If you known exactly where the library is, you can specify it using the environment variable STEAM_LIBRARY

How in gods name should I use STEAM_LIBARY.? There ist no STEAM_LIBARY variable in all of it files to show the script where the game is. 


I need to install that game, because MO"s Setup requires a Steam-Game and when this would function I could install my GOG-Version of Skyrim but it doesn't work. What can I do?

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Fouvale Late response -- and repost, since I edited and elaborated on a few things. 

But for the GOG version, you might have to install MO2 manually, without Rockerbacon's script.  Probably still set it up as a portable instance, and run it in the same Wine prefix as the game itself.  (Probably not in Proton though, since there can be issues with running non-Steam games in Proton.)  From that point, I imagine the setup process will be much the same as in Windows.  And make sure your Wine prefix has the dependencies MO2 needs, like the .NET framework.

(Again, I don't have non-Steam copies of MO2's supported games to test this with.)

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Well, meanwhile I bought the Steam version of Skyrim SE with the DLC Anniversary Update, and at the moment I install the modlist from Nolvus. Tried that in Linux but couldn't get it to work. So I changed back to Windows where I now sit in front of my PC and am loading mod by mod manual as I don't have a premium account at Nexus. 


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  • 6 months later...

The modorganizer2-linux-installer works great, SKSE works fine... but I have the oddest problem.  If I alt-tab out of Skyrim, it crashes.  MO2 still running.  Happens even when I don't use SKSE and just run Skyrim.  Mods or no mods, no difference.  Kind of a bummer.  If I don't alt-tab out, it's fine!

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