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Kid stuff bug


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Please excuse me for the off topic.

I have not found any information on my question anywhere.

I started the game with character traits, one of which is kid stuff. I had no problem starting the quest and I visited my parents safely. but when I went into The Lodge after a while, I saw something strange. My parents were there. But the members of the Constellation were shooting at them.
I have not installed any modifications that change character traits and their quests.

Мaybe someone had something like that?
Is there any console command that removes... a flag of enmity from an NPC?

upd: I tried to use the console command player.placeatme and call some NPC in the Lodge. The result is the same. The security officer and the Constellation members behaved like enemies.

I do not know what it was. I have disabled the Improved Combat AI mod. It didn't help.

As far as I know, this mod does not affect the friend/enemy system. What's it? Is this an in-game bug?

I really didn't want to do a clean install of the game and start all over again.

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I've had playthroughs with the Kid Stuff perk but I haven't heard about or encountered this issue. I suspect this is mod problem but I'm not sure..

2 hours ago, Ruatas said:

A clean install of the game didn't help either.

Did you mean you started a new game or reinstalled the game itself but kept the previous save games/playthrough?

If the latter, then there's a high chance the hostality is caused by a faction data overwrite which is actually ActorReference data and is stored in save games.

Most NPCs you see ingame are member of factions, including both the "main factions" like the UC and miscellaneous, rather technical factions like dialogue factions.

Mods may add/remove NPCs to/from factions, or change their enemy/friend/ally flags which basically determines the hostality/neutrality/etc. of faction members toward members of other factions.

If this is the case, you should be able to change faction data to remove the hostality. I think faction enemy/friend/ally flags can be overwritten in Starfield too with the console commands known from other BGS games:

targetID.AddToFaction <faction id> <0 or 1> – Adds target to faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target, e.g. player.AddToFaction 0001c21c 1 to add yourself to the player faction. 0=friend, 1=ally.
targetID.RemoveFromFaction <faction id> – Removes target from faction, needs to be used with a prefix or target
targetID.removefromallfactions – Removes the target from all factions. Be aware that this will also remove the player character from the "player faction" if used on themself.
setally <faction id> <faction id> <0 or 1> <0 or 1> – Makes two factions friendly with each other. 0=friend, 1=ally
setenemy <faction id> <faction id> <0 or 1> <0 or 1> – Makes two factions enemies with each other. 0=neutral, 1=enemy

If someone's is already shooting, you would need to (first type [ TDetect ] in the console to globally turn off NPC AI detection), then [ ActorReference.StopCombat ] to stop the combat behavior of the target ActorReference like [ 5986.StopCombat ] or click on ("select") Sarah in the console then [ StopCombat ] without the RefID.

The problem is, without a custom Papyrus script or mod, it's difficult to know which factions are an NPC is a member of. I made a "Detalied Reference Info - SFSE" mod earlier that adds a native command to the console GetReferenceInfo/GetRefInfo that lists all factions of the target ActorReference.

Edited by LarannKiar
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1 hour ago, LarannKiar said:

I've had playthroughs with the Kid Stuff perk but I haven't heard about or encountered this issue....

Thank you for the detailed answer. Yes, I used the old save.


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11 hours ago, LarannKiar said:

I've had playthroughs with the Kid Stuff perk but I haven't heard about or encountered this issue.....

Please tell me where and how can I view the decryption of the faction id?


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The line that starts with "Factions" shows all the FormIDs of the factions. 000191DC is the ConstellationFaction and 00106C30 the PlayerAllyFaction as far as I remember. If the ConstellationFaction would be an enemy to a faction whose ID is 01234567 for example, [ SetAlly 000191DC 01234567 1 ] would make them allies.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, LarannKiar said:

The line that starts with "Factions" shows all the FormIDs of the factions. 000191DC is the ConstellationFaction and 00106C30 the PlayerAllyFaction as far as I remember. If the ConstellationFaction would be an enemy to a faction whose ID is 01234567 for example, [ SetAlly 000191DC 01234567 1 ] would make them allies.

It's working! Thanks!

SetAlly 000191dc 002e01af 1
Constellation faction is no longer hostile to parents (I used SF1Edit to find TraitKidStuff_CrimeFaction)

But the problem is that the constellation is aggressive towards everyone except the player. I've tried spawning other NPCs. Constellation behaves aggressively even towards civilians.

If this is some kind of mod, then I will try to get to this point with a clean installation + clean save and see what happens. If the situation does not change, then probably the problem is in the Lodge itself

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Certain locations (usually interior cells) are "faction owned" and configured to trigger the combat AI of members of the owner faction if a non-member enters the cell. Technically IF Cell >> Interior data >> non-Public >> THEN SendTrespassAlarm. In SF1Edit, The Lodge is owned by the ConstellationFaction but it is also flagged as "Public Area". According to the wiki (of Skyrim) this flag should turn off the "trespass behavior". (It just "should" because I haven't seen how cell - trespass behavior exactly works in Starfield so I don't know for sure but I see no reason why it would be any different from other BGS games, given the data flags are almost the same). To separate the "Lodge broken" and "bad NPC faction data" scenarios, type [ 5986.MoveTo Player ] to teleport Sarah (but make sure she's not in combat yet) out from the Logde to the exterior area of New Atlantis and see if she attacks any neutral NPC there. If not, the problem is with the Lodge.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, LarannKiar said:

Certain locations .....

I have not yet managed to complete the game to the point of interest with a clean installation and a clean save.

But I used the old save after using the console commands [tdetect] and [SetAlly 000191dc 002e01af 1] (тhe game has been restarted). And with a clean installation. Teleported to New Atlantis, Sarah is not aggressive.

I also used an old save where Constellation members shoot at parents. I went outside where there are other NPCs and teleported Sarah. Sarah is not aggressive. She doesn't even have a gun in her hands.

 I don't know yet how to determine which mod affects what, so I'm going to start a new game anyway.

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So... a new game was started, a new character was created and a clean install of the game was used.
For the purity of the experiment, 5 more citizens were teleported to the Lodge.


No one else is aggressive at the point of interest in the game.
I installed mods one at a time and started the game each time. It's good that there are few of them and these are mostly retextures without esm files. There is no aggression.
What happened last time remains a mystery to me.

But I have a one thought. When the player enters the Lodge and the parents are there, Noel says that she does not mind the parents at the Lodge and... (see screenshot).
I think that the game has either a timer or a counter for fast movements, after which the Lodge receives the "Off Limits" flag.
Last time, I first visited my parents at the Pioneer tower, and then explored the map around New Atlantis for a long time.

I think this timer/counter turns on not at the moment when the parents appear at the Lodge, but earlier. When the player gives an artifact to the Constellation members.

I'm just wondering, if the Lodge has the status of a "Public Area", why did the developers give this phrase to Noel? What for? 😃

I think those who decide to take the character trait of "Kid stuff" do not need to postpone visiting the Lodge for a long time after the first meeting with their parents. Go inside, talk to your parents, get a gun as a gift.
That's the story.





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