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Legendary Armor 'pieces' protect what? .. just 1 leg, arm, or shoulder at a Time?


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When you loot weird pieces of armor which claim they for ie., grant 15% protection from SuperMutants .. are we to assume this is only for example a leg or arm that is going to be protected? because all of the wording in all of the wikis by connotation and by intimation appear to insinuate that ..
for ie., by wearing a magical leg armor the WHOLE NPC is going to be protected?

Does anybody know of a 'definative' explaination??

Edited by Drivinghard
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That leg, or whatever, by itself will add the legendary effect.

You can mix different legendary effects that are on armor pieces and they will all be active on your charatcer.

Exception to this is if you wear power armor , and you have extra armor that is worn under the Power Ar,mor, those undrer armor legendary effects (if any) will not transfer, but if you are not wearing power Armor over they will will all count individually.

So whatever level of armor you wear, power amor or not, the legendary effets will be active from that level, but armor that is covered by power Amor will not act with its effects, then only the power armor pieces will "count".



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thanks I thought so .. so they are more or less like 'Lucky Charms' providing protection to the ENTIRE NPC .. rather than to each individual isolated body part they are worn on.

haha.. boy after level about 65 you sure start to see many strange weird armor pieces with all sorts of magic 🙂

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As far as I know, resistance values affect only body part covered by the armor piece but its legendary effect applies to the wearer actor (including the player and NPCs). Such effects can be cumulated and mixed, as mentioned above.

Certain effects don't do anything on NPCs I think, such as the Resolute effect ("Slows time momentarily as the last round is chambered") but S.PE.C.I.A.L. stats for example are actor values and are applicable to NPCs too.

Edited by LarannKiar
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8 hours ago, Drivinghard said:

thanks I thought so .. so they are more or less like 'Lucky Charms' providing protection to the ENTIRE NPC .. rather than to each individual isolated body part they are worn on.

haha.. boy after level about 65 you sure start to see many strange weird armor pieces with all sorts of magic 🙂

Yes their function is for the whole NPC.

But there is another exception I just thought of:

The "nearly unbreakable" legndary for power armor pieces found in the basic game only on "Tessa's fist". THis buff to the basic health of the armor piece applies only to that piece.

Small confession; I have a mod that allows me to craft legendaies. the ONLY thing I use it for is to craft that feature onto all my power armor pieces.

And you can see the HP of each piece go up as you add this feature to the armor pieces one by one.

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Big confession: I like to Duplicate legendary weapons and armors using the console and 2 different steamer trunks, and i like to randomly dole out random MAGICAL armors to settlers :)

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On 3/7/2024 at 8:07 PM, Drivinghard said:

Big confession: I like to Duplicate legendary weapons and armors using the console and 2 different steamer trunks, and i like to randomly dole out random MAGICAL armors to settlers 🙂

haha, I can relate I always equip my settlers guards with the best.

Tip: If you dont use "better Settlers" you cnan console command yourself Far Harbor Settlers, those are by default level 16 unlike regular settlers which are level 2.

I used to do this to make my male settlers to serve as guards (FH settlers look tougher too!). but now I run "better Settlers" so any settler spawned will be levleel 25 or 40 depending on the option picked during install. My girls are all hotties I get them come Commonwealth Captives (those are not boosted by better Settlers though and are still levle 2 but I dont care since they are hotties and I keep them away from the border of the settlements as best as I can.

There is a mod where you can go crazy with legendaries, but I dont know if I should tell you in case you will unbalance your game 😉

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On 3/7/2024 at 6:07 PM, Drivinghard said:

Big confession: I like to Duplicate legendary weapons and armors using the console and 2 different steamer trunks, and i like to randomly dole out random MAGICAL armors to settlers 🙂

If you want to copy certain inventory items, you can try the console command DuplicateAllItems. It's a really old command to copy the content of a container or actor inventory to another.

I don't remember whether it's buggy in Fallout 4 but I do remember in Starfield this function is seriously broken.. can't work properly with the new implementation.

Both for Fallout and Starfield I made functions to copy inventory items if you're interested. The Fallout ones are available in Garden of Eden SE.

CGF "GardenOfEden.PickUpObject" ActorRefID ItemRefID Count PlayPickUpSound
Example: CGF "GardenOfEden.PickUpObject" 2F1F FF012345 1 False		; Piper would "pick up" an item with RefID FF012345 (without it getting removed from the game world. I.e. item would be duplicated)

CGF "GardenOfEden.CopyNthItem" SourceRefID ItemIndex TargetRefID Count
Example: CGF "GardenOfEden.CopyNthItem" 2F1F 3 2F1F 1		; the 3rd item in Piper's inventory would be copied (to Piper's inventory; count = 1 so only one)

But as I said, if DuplicateAllItems works then you wouldn't need these. Just make sure to check that the duplicated items have proper 3D, drop and pick them up to verify all the modifications remain intact and modify (at a workbench) some of the duplicated ones and the duplicates to verify that the items in the two groups are properly "unbound" from each other by the code (e.g. modifying one shouldn't affect the other).

Edited by LarannKiar
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TBH, at a certain point Legendaries drop like candy anyway if you play the game as designed.

That is where LEO or ECO come in.   Just move those Legendary Effects (that you have, umm "earned"...) to another weapon/armor piece.

So when you find your 5th "Two Shot Laser Musket", just move the Two Shot to your 10mm Pistol, Hunting Rifle, etc.

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