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The game crashes, I don't know what to do

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An ACCESS_VIOLATION might point to missing rights and/ or permissions. You could try to change the security settings of the "Fallout 4" folder and subfolders/files so that users have full access.  In the properties of Fallou4.4exe and f4se_loader.exe you can set "Run as Administrator" and see what happens. The problem can be caused by a mod, but it might be difficult to find out which one(s). I sometimes have a similar problem with "Cyberpunk" and these steps always solved the problem, yet. Also you can try to disable write protection for the Fallout 4 folder.

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Well, the exe itself in the properties is set to run as administrator. But I’m launching the game from Mod organizer 2 (I also launch it through the admin). Well, if you run f4se directly, then there are no mods. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that my mods folder is located in a different place. Well, or somehow in the properties or settings of Mo2 you need to somehow configure it to run through the admin. mode

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Well, sort of like in the folder properties, in the access tabs. It says that the folder is open for public access. Well, definitely launching the game via f4se in mo2 (I just didn’t understand the question, sorry, “The Fallout 4.exe directly or f4se_loader.exe?”)
https://pastebin.com/z8qBriSU here is the log after it seems like I made the folder public

Снимок экрана 2024-03-09 180431.png

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We speak different languages so I am not sure to understand you right. For me it seems that you made Fallout4 folder accessable through a network for other computers/ users. That is not what I meant. I don't know whether the picture helps. It shows my security settings for the Fallout 4 folder for all users on my pc. And something what you could try, too is to temporarily disable your antivirus software.


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Yes, it seems like all the boxes are ticked. But there is no antivirus other than the standard one. Yes, and folders with Fallout are excluded

Снимок экрана 2024-03-11 165116.png

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I don't have the pirated version. For some reason, the Steam versions of Fallout and Skyrim are crashing with an error. You have to play without a license

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