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The game crashes, I don't know what to do


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On 3/10/2024 at 12:39 AM, fraquar said:

You have over 255 plugins loaded.  260 to be exact by that log.


If this is accurate and you really do have as many .esp loaded as this then you have your cause right here.


You cna go into Vortex and convert come of them to "light" make them load as an .esl.

Look for plug ins marked with the outline of a leaf, then scroll to the right and you should see a tab "mark as light" .

Do this with a number and then this cause of crashes will be removed (if it is your only cause)

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You have way more than 255 esps. Either you installed a lot of them recently and then the game crashed or - if the game loaded with all these mods in the past -  many of them are flagged as esl. A modmanager should give an error message when the the esp limit is exceeded. You can try to disable a bunch of esps and see whether the game starts. At last you can try to disable write protection for the entire Fallout 4 folder, subfolders and files.

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The game is fixed, lol. The game still flew out of the limit with mods. I went too far with mods for guns, clothing and power armor. Classics of the genre


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Look at the log at line 1270.    That is where your Plugin space hits the 255 wall.   It can't load any more than that.

Look at the log at line 1271.   That is where you load your next Plugin and it rolls over to 01 - which means you have exceeded the limit - crash is inevitable.


Look at the log at line 1276.   This is where the first of the "Light Plugins" load.    These are either .ESP's (with the .ESL flag - which you can't see in the Plugins log) or straight .ESL files load.

they load in a completely different memory space.  Notice the FE in front of the memory space.


To fix this issue you need to remove 5 of those mods before 1276 - and obviously not the base game .ESM's....


Edited by fraquar
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Figured I'd add this.

Look at your Plugins prior to 1276 and see just how many of them are Patches.

Patches most likely should be ESLified - they shouldn't be full blown .ESP's loading in Plugin space.

Look to see if any of those patches have .ESLified (Light Plugin) options and install those instead - so you don't have to remove any content mods in Plugin space.

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