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Need help with extra skill slot mod

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          I'm trying to install mods. All the mods worked fine, until I installed the extra skill slot for next gen mod.     im on windows 11, game version is 4.04. Im getting these errors  Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5052): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSlot3' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5067): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSlot1' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5085): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSlot4' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(5099): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSlot2' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11786): Could not find function 'DisableRadialMenuInput' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11804): Could not find function 'SetRadialPotionUpperTimer' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11810): Could not find function 'SetRadialPotionLowerTimer' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11851): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSteelOil' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(11856): I dont know any 'EISPM_RadialMenuSilverOil' Error [modextraskillslotsvlad]game\r4game.ws(546): Could not find function 'OnHDRChanged'  Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code. Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.          These are my current mods         Load Order       modExtraSkillSlotsVlad     mod0000_MergedFiles   modSwapWitcherArmorsToBear     modVladimirUI     modYennefer MakeupBlack   modAlwaysFullExpReforged     modBetter TorchesNextGen     modBuffCharges     modDecocationsBuff     modDisableBoatDMG     modEndure modFTFA   modGwentBet_250_plus_EXP100   modMapQuestObjectivesFull   modMissingCardTracker   modMutagen TabMenu   modRareltemsMerchant   modSwapElven Crossbow   modSwapManticoreNGPlusSwords   modVladimirUI_maps

modVladUI_Restored Content modYenneferHair_G modyennewoutfit mod_Betterstats_trophies   Any help is appreciated         

Edited by Kintsugee
the formatting is not letting Me add the mod list in new lines
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I've done this mod successfully. Installing mods manually is impractical.  You need to go back to basics. Remove all mods manually

Use witcher 3 mod manager and script merger. I use the original. That mod causes problems on uninstall since it changes the saved file. Always say yes to script merger, usually just follow the prompts.

You might have messed up the mod main files texture mesh files badly by manual install. I've done this on other games. A full uninstall might be needed. Erase every game folder you can find. Reinstall the main and all official add-ons.

Texture and mesh mods tend to cause script conflicts. I spent days trying to figure how to use script merger.

With no mods installed, install both BIA files. BIA - bug fixes first (next gen). Then BIA - LOD.  Then, install extra skills mod. I recommend "Extra Skills Slots Next Gen-8095-V1-V4-04-1691888771". It should work. Then install mod by mod until you find the conflict. It's a slow process, but it will show up.

Installing bia with all those mods installed was nightmare of conflicts. Starting over is the best way of finding the problem. I did it the hard way and it worked. Only two mods were causing the problem. A texture mod and I figured out how to make it work.



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