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Latest Vortex update changed color scheme -- how to revert it?

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That blue bar highlight for the filter application is eye-burning for me.  Is there any way to change it back to the color it was w/o changing the color of the uninstalled mod status buttons?  I tried to change the colors in Settings, but the status buttons and the bar colors are in the same group for color application...  The small mod status buttons are not a problem, and I like the cool color indicating the never installed/uninstalled status, just the rather large expanse of bright blue really gets to me.  I have a very strong prescription in my glasses, and the blues really jump around more for me, as the blues are more affected by refraction than those lower in the spectrum.

FYI - on old CRT monitors, it was so bad, that I could see individual colored elements near the edge of my lens FOV, and there was a red->blue shift that would occur that would change in length as I turned my head a bit to see something on the screen.  The eye strain was incredible.

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Just wanted to add that the current color scheme makes some text hard to read. I turned darkmode off and that helped, but it's still difficult to read some of the notifications that pop up. When you highlight a mod it's also hard to read. The text on some notifications looks very thin. Below are a few examples;




Edited by beebophuckleberry
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Hey @insomnious,

It's version 1.10.8. The pictures I posted are from the default theme with dark mode turned off. Besides turning off 'Dark Theme', everything else is the same settings as default. I double checked the colors and they are still the same as default. Here is a snippet of the colors.


Edited by beebophuckleberry
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  • Solution
On 3/13/2024 at 9:16 PM, 7531Leonidas said:

@compare123 FYI - I am using the Firefox browser on Win 10, and the theme is "Curious Cute Cat" - just in case you want to see the actual colors and get the hex or RGB values.

I had already took a screenshot of your image and colorpicked the HEX code with paint3D 😄 Thank you for the info anyway so I can put those colors on firefox too!
@Moderators I found my solution, should I mark it or should I leave it open? Because I see others are helping each other here

Edited by compare123
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