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Hireling wont rejoin after respawn - script help

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I am working on a mod Thieves Guild Recruit hireling, that respawns.  It is for use with FollowersCanDie mod & gamestyle that I use.

When the thief follower dies (after joining you / in your party), and then later respawns it will no longer join you, is the problem.

So obviously that script on the conversation won't allow the text join line to appear.  "my blade is yours"

I guess it's because faction, if not that there is some runOnce function that I'm not seeing.

Any help or suggestions to "reset" the NPC after death and their join conversation to show up, every time you talk to them? 

Thank you!

Edited by masternoxx
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I'm not much of a scripter, and it's been years since I've touched any in the CK.  But some questions that might clarify:

After death, is your mod is resurrecting the same instance of your follower (same RefID), or spawning a new copy of your follower (same BaseID, but different RefID)?  Could be the scripting setup will be different between the two cases, as well as vs making a unique NPC who's not going to get reset or respawned.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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On 3/12/2024 at 10:32 AM, AaronOfMpls said:

After death, is your mod is resurrecting the same instance of your follower (same RefID), or spawning a new copy of your follower (same BaseID, but different RefID)?  Could be the scripting setup will be different between the two cases, as well as vs making a unique NPC who's not going to get reset or respawned.

Thanks for reply, it is using the respawn flag system, in actor view respawn is checked, so whichever that uses, same instance is my guess.

I now think perhaps followersCanDie mod MAY take care of the factions (may), and main problem is quest stage needs to be reset back on the actor when (either onDeath or onConversation)

Ahhh yes this game and its "Aliases" , wish I could remember what I had learned about them back when, most quests use them, need to read up on how they are used again, might help.

Kind of uncharted territory here as HirelingQuest and FollowerQuest aren't really typical quests not sure if aliases are used, and of course there is not respawning followers (zero exist in the game to guide me).

Currently not using Aliases afaik.

Spawning  a new copy seems a better way to do it (using an alias probably), as a different actor refID it might reset the NPC as if new again & renew the questStage as well as factions.  Any idea how to do that?

Edited by masternoxx
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It might help if you share the entire scripting process you've got going on. A script was presented in the other thread you started, which you said wasn't compiling. Maybe you got past that problem. But it would still help to see the entire process going on, I guess. 

But yeah, reverse-engineering something already extant in someone else's work can sometimes be helpful too, assuming Randomized and Respawning Followers actually works, of  course. 

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