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"Dunnnnnnngggg" bell sound followed by Angelic "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"


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So, there's this Vanilla Skyrim sound that loops every once and a while, a low bell tone followed by a "choir-of-angels" sound. 

1) Does that sound have some game-related significance, and if so, what?

-  (my only guesses would be some sort of named NPC death knell, or a missed event of some important kind)

2) Does anyone know what the file name for that sound file is? TBH, even if it shows significance, it's really annoying because it will ominously repeat many times (idk 10-20) before it changes out, and if it's not a significant "notice" sound, I'd kinda like to swap it for anything else.

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Sounds like the "dungeon cleared" sound, which plays when you clear a dungeon, bandit hideout, etc, of its last major enemy NPC. 

Or possibly the "entering the boss fight room" sound when you're near the end of a dungeon.  EDIT: Never mind, that's a different sound, an echoing hard knock against something.

I'm not sure where either is in the game files, since I've never had reason to look.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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Thanks for the replies Aaron.

Yah, first and second examples (dungeon cleared") a few seconds in when the "!DUNNNNG! ahhhHHH" happens. Exactly.

That duo of sounds fires (in a cyclic fashion) randomly while roaming outside, often after I've just fast-travelled, not only when I've cleared an objective.

Ok, so it's *supposed to be* dungeon cleared, just either misfiring or playing catchup with a script lag or something and firing "later".

Now I just have to find the file, and either edit it to shorten the content or replace it with something a bit more toned down. And since I now know what it's intended signaling is, it *should make it easier to find on my own.

Thanks again.

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To be fair, I haven't played through SE much beyond some limited mod testing.  I only came back to Skyrim in January after a years-long break once I could get Mod Organizer working with Linux.  And I hadn't played SE at all before that, only Oldrim/LE.  Maybe Beth changed when that sound plays a bit in SE? 🤷  If someone else knows better, feel free to chime in!

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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