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Azeroth Reborn - A World of Warcraft experience right in Skyrim!


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Hello guys!

With this forum thread I like to announce my actual modding project to the public. I worked several years on a remake and an enlargement of a old Skyrim mod called "Azeroth in Skyrim - A unofficial Warcraft expansion".

As the name implies is this a mod that tries to bring parts of World of Warcraft to Skyrim. The landmass is very huge. Expect by release a landmass from 50 - 70 % of Skyrim. If quests ever will be there is not sure yet but you have for sure a lot to explore on your way from Stormwind, down to Booty Bay! ... And also there will be enemies along the way. Not only humans, or orcs, or enemies you know maybe already from Skyrim - also farley new ones.

The mod is finally in a stage were I can say that a release could be happen in the next months to a year and for everyone who is interested have I a Discord link:


The Discord server is farly new so don't expect to see many people there but I hope postings like this will change this! However... the best news about updates for Azeroth Rebon - most of the time in a weekly bases - will you become there!


If you are looking for screenshots, look into my images on my profil here on the Nexus, or use this link: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/5955067?tab=user+images

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that would be just my dream, and what Blizzard shuold have done instead of more of the same (expansions), or again the same with nothing more (classic) better to say "a bit less" even

Edited by Tenz81
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Thank you Tenz81. I hope you like the mod (expansion) after it had came out. Atm. Stormwind, the Elwynn Forest, Redrige Mountains, Duskwood, Deadwind Pass, Swamps of Sorrows, Blasted Lands, Westfall and Stranglethorn Valley will be in the release version. Maybe I expand the mod afterwards even more but I am not sure about that at the moment.

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After seeing the screenshots I am a bit disappointed, I must admit, it looks something like Artaeum mod Summerset isles ( mod is still very good, before you end up there tho). 

I was hoping for something of this level 🙂 but still interested!

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5 hours ago, DirebearCoat said:

I haven't played WoW in years!  Are they going to switch to Unreal Engine 5?

no, that was just a one guy work... in 3 months and never did any 3d stuff before he says. Imagine what they could do with a team... but of course they need to finish to milk the golden cow (WoW)  to the death before they think to improve anything

Edited by Tenz81
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The mod will be playable in Skyrim which means it will on the creation engine. The lines are a bit flowing between my and the unreal 5 mod but I can say that the mod uses atm. mostly bethesda assets that are re-colored. Like houses with red roofs in Stormwind as example for the Old Town district.

That said, a few unique models will be in the mod like a moonwell in the park district of Stormwind, or a special Troll statute in Zul Gurub in Stranglethorn Vale.

At the moment we are 2. Me and a friendly 3d modeler who sometimes throws some new models to me but maybe we are in the future 3 to 4. 1 new guys seems to be very interested for helping at lore and story stuff. I will see if he writes back and another one helps maybe by new races like a real troll, or tauren race as example but that is not sure yet.

The major goal atm. is to bring this mod out. So don't expect to see too many fresh 3d models because that would ate time as nothing else.

Besides that... For me as a World of Warcraft player who had his high time from the ... I believe ... end of classic to almost the end of Wrath of the Lichking (I still log in WoW sometimes, but I don't really play it anymore - its then more for nostalgica and for the mod) has this mod really a very good World of Warcraft feeling. Especially Stormwind, the Elwynn Forest, Westfall and Stranglethorn Vale.

At the moment I can only repeat myself and say that I hope that everyone will enjoy this mod. The role models for this mod are more mods like Seaworld, or the Aether suite - just with enemies. Quests are not that much planned atm. but expect to have your nostalgica, explorer and fighting experience in this mod.

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