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What is the use of XMarkerHeading for a new settlement and how do I know if it is already set up at a location?

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Following this 2 part series by some dude named neeher on youtube. Tutorial is going smoothly, but he's talking about this XMarker Heading that I can see upon pressing M to see all the function stuff. I plan on making a test mod at Ranger Cabin. He's doing the Atom Cats Garage. There is an XMarker in front of the property but it dosent seem to have a location reference. He seems to place them in a square with all of them facing the settlment location, and his is consisting of multiple cells. Ranger Cabin only needs one.

need help

Edited by NextTurnLeft
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Xmarker Headings are statics that can be seen. You can also use mats or other objects but since they lack collision they are the best object to use most of the time.

Anyway they are used for Attack Markers, Center Markers, Spawn Markers... (did I forget another one?)


WIthout a proper use of markers NPCs might spawn improperly or not at all.

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The "Heading" marker as you will notice has a little point on one side denoting the "heading" or direction the npc/player will face when spawning using it. Notice how other markers like spawn markers  are just sqaure boxes with no visual cue as to which way the spawn will face.

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