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Making first weapon mod. Need a little help with folder setup


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I need a little help with my first weapon mod.

I already have my weapon model and my normal and diffuse map texture files all ready. What I'm trying to do now is get the mod up and running, but I don't know how, and the tutorials I've looked up have given me a little trouble.

I started this tutorial at this timestamp (14:38) because I already had my model and textures: they came from a Dark Souls 3 mod that had the weapon I was looking for, which I unpacked with yabber, then converted the .flver file to an .fbx file using aqua tools, then into a .nif using blender with niftools addon installed (all after well over three hours of tutorials and looking for the right tools, plus help from an anonymous buddy who helped me export the .nif when blender was being persnickety about it). With my model (Martyr's blade) and textures all set up, it was time to set things up in niftools, and this, I assume, is where I screwed up.

The trouble came when the tutorial instructs me to go to my SSE directory and look for the data folder, wherein I'd find the textures and meshes folders, and the weapons folders within those. That's where the video instructs to make a folder with your mod name on it where you put your new .nif, and so on and so forth. Problem is, my SSE directory doesn't have those folders. I'm at a dead end.

I have the mesh and textures ready and saved on a little mod folder stash that I can move at any time as soon as I know where to move them. The attachment shows a picture of what it looks like so far

What's my next step? How do I get my ship out of harbor from here?


Edited by Jukingbox
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