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Bug after exiting Doc Mitchell's house


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6 hours ago, gamerguyef said:

I already fixed it earlier by just using the high preset with soft reflections turned off and water multisampling set to low. I just want to know now why it was the water settings when Doc Mitchell's house isn't even near water.

THat is the question you keep in mind when you use xedit to look through your 300+ esp/esm. nobody going to answer it for you.

IT's the main reason why people shouldnt use load order list beyond 70. Finding which mod cause which bugs is a stone cold biatch~

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It's not small inconveniences~

When you use a load order list bigger than 100 (and the higher, the worse), bugs will hit you for a certainty. At 300, it's a daily problem. You will never, never, never, EVER, get away from bugs with 300+ mods. It's the nature of that big bloated load list: each aspect of the game will have many mods mess with it, sometimes even opposite of each other,  thus creating bugs.

If you just want to play bugfree, trouble free, use a minimal load order. say 50 (including 10 nvse pluggins). With that , even your laptop with 4GB and integrated chipset can process it.

If you want 300+ mods, then grit your teeth and go on, knowing that whenever you ask for help a constant answer will be "trimming your fat". And ignoring bugs, btw, cause you aint fixing shist~

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