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[Dragon's Dogma 2] Swappable main pawns


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It would be nice if we could swap out our main pawn with another one that we made.

In the Character Creator, we are able to make several main pawns, but we can only select one of them in-game. It would be nice to be able to swap it out with the other ones we made, so that if we decide to, we can one of our alternate ones instead.

Given a main pawn
When I swap my main pawn with another that I made
Then my main pawn is dismissed
And my other one is summoned

Given I swap my main pawn with my alternate pawn
When I am online in-game
Then my alternate pawn (my now current main pawn) becomes available for others as well

Ideally, this would be done in-game, but if that is not possible, then externally would be fine (like a save manager - to swap out the main pawn data with our other one)

Thank you.

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