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Comprehensive Sleeves Pack Texture Bug


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The MA has likely abandoned support for the mod Comprehensive Sleeves. I'm very sure it's this mod that is a causing this, as it is for now the only meshes mod I have installed. There's a minor issue I have going on with using it. I'm not using any texture mods now, hence I thought it was causing this. The issue is: when the player or guards wear guards armor of any hold, namely Whiterun, then there is a blue trim at the bottom of the armor's cloth part. That is supposedly only part of the Stormcloak armors. So to speak, this is a texture glitch. I am wondering if somebody can tell me how to fix this. 


Edited by ThomicStridon79
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Well, you could always edit the texture to remove that blue/black part.*  Extract the mod's guard outfit textures from the .bsa (if the mod has any).  Extract the vanilla guard outfit textures out of one of the Skyrim - Textures .bsa's.  Open the textures in an image editor, then paste over the parts you want to change.


* It looks more black or dark gray to me, rather than blue.  Though it's a shade where context -- and possibly your screen's color balance -- can really affect color perception.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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If this is vanilla texture, it is most doubtful the issue lies there.

I suggest you examine the problem mesh in either NifScope or OutfitStudio.  It looks like lower part is a separate shape, and thus points to its own textures.

And the way such things are usually handled, the issue almost certainly lies in the .esp.

Load up the mod in Creaton Kit, locate ArmorAddon form of this particular outfit, and check its male model file.   If it has two shapes in there, chances are one has a texture set assigned, and the other does not.  Set both to use same texture set.



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Yes, I looked at the mod, and for some reason it splits up the mesh like this:


And different city Stormcloak armors  get different texture sets assigned.     Now, the Comprehensive Sleeves .esp  does assign proper texture sets to both  parts of the armor,   but I suspect that in YOUR case, some other .esp loads AFTER it and overrides these forms.

I suggest  loading  xEdit,  locating Comprehensive Sleeves Pack.esp,  expanding its ArmorAddon section, and checking if something  overrides StormcloakCuirassWhiterunAA   (0002150B)   Then fixing your load order.

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