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Need help installing Ultimate Engine mod.


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I'm sort of new to modding and I cannot get this mod install.  The instructions say:

  1. Download the mod and unrar in ...\Fallout4. ---- Do I unrar the entire contents to \Fallout 4\ or to \Fallout 4\Data folder and do I need to move certain files and/or folders from the unrar'd mod folder directly to the Data folder?
  2. Enable/Disable Ingame Hotkey: F1 ---- Can someone tell me how to do this?  Nothing happens if I press F1 and I cannot find any in game setting referring to F1.
  3. Uninstall: Delete reshade.fx, sweet.fx, dxgi.dll/d3d11.dll and Reshade folder from ...\Fallout4 ---- I've done this.

Mod can be found here.


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The mod is collection of reshade shaders and effects and more than 8 years old. I would recommend not to use it. If you want postprocessing to improve how FO4 looks you can try more recent reshade and/ or enb presets. Or you do it yourself by downloading reshade (one of the most important shaders is lumasharpen) and/ or enb. Regarding reshade I would suggest to start with version 5.9.2 and for enb with 0.420. Higher versions can cause problems. Postprocessing is a wide field and it would be best to inform yourself what you can do with these enhancers and how to use them. You will find a lot of tutorials in the web.

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Like sub said. An enb reshade , there are plenty of them.

Only reason installation instructions are so complex is due to the Vortex not being a thing back then.

My recommendation is to pick a newr one like Reactor.

I currently run NAC-X (which bills itself as a weather mod but is more) andit has a dozen choces of ENB like shading resets as option in its MCM menu.

NAC-X is a bit resource hungry so I would not run it on a weaker rig.

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From the notes in the posts on this mod ... It's buggy as hell ..... and no longer supported.

When I read bugs from at least 2+ years and nothing from the Mod Creator - I LEAVE IT ALONE!

. o O ( Just saying )

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