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Workshop build objects float, not recognising interior floors

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*** THE ACTUAL ANSWER: For INTERIOR CELL workshops ground collision is provided by floor tiles like CaveRmFloor512Mid01 or DCKitMudGround01, building out a layer of them at -1.0 Z below the decorative floor works perfectly.

If anyone knows the specific NIF or HAVOK collison property that makes those objects "workshop ground" let us know. ***

Created a new interior cell using BldWlpSmFlrCeil01 with finalised navmesh and added a workshop.

In game workshop build mode can place objects that have AV WorkshopAnythingIsGround OK.

But most workshop build objects do not have that AV and will not detect the in game floor, showing the red I AM FLOATING outline.

Have tried the GroundPiece checkbox no effect. 

Have tried using ground pieces from DmndPlayerHouse01 no effect.

Adding AV WorkshopAnythingIsGround works on any workshop build object, but is impractical to retrohack all buildable objects.

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I didn't test it, but I notice 1 related difference between the pieces in that cell & a newly placed piece. (Talking about the BldConcSmFlrPlat01, used in the DmndPlayerHouse01)

Freshly placed the "NavMesh Generation Import Option" is set to "Collision Geometry" where as the ones you see in that cell have it set to "Ground".

Sounds like that might be it, but as I said, untested.

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So the Navmesh height forces the object to levitate since the object placed usees the NavMesh Generation Import Option as world orientation?

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Unfortunatley the navmesh import configuration does not seem to have any impact (geddit?) on workshop build objects detecting interior floor piece ground collision.


The same objects that will not detect ground in game (for example WorkshopNpcBedMetalLay01) will happily snap to the floor/ground in the CK render window.

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I never tested it in depth but try to play around with these:

WorkshopItemOverlap [AVIF:00000337]
WorkshopOverrideXYBounds [AVIF:00249D41]
WorkshopOverrideXBoundMin [AVIF:00249E6B]
WorkshopOverrideXBoundMax [AVIF:00249E6A]
WorkshopOverrideYBoundMin [AVIF:00249E6C]
WorkshopOverrideYBoundMax [AVIF:00249E6D]
WorkshopIgnoreSimpleIntersections [AVIF:0000034D]
WorkshopSnapPointRadius [AVIF:0000033E]


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Unfortunately BldDecoSmFlrOnly01 also does not work ... but ... trusty old CaveRmFloor512Mid01 does !

And looking more closely at DmndPlayerHome01 it is underpinned by a bunch of DCKitMudGround01 tiles which are flatter than CaveRmFloor.

So the answer appears to be that for INTERIOR workshops ground collision is provided by mud tiles and building out a layer below the set dressing  pieces at -1.0 Z works perfectly.

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*** THE ACTUAL ANSWER: For INTERIOR CELL workshops ground collision is provided by floor tiles like CaveRmFloor512Mid01 or DCKitMudGround01, building out a layer of them at -1.0 Z below the decorative floor works perfectly.

If anyone knows the specific NIF or HAVOK collison property that makes those objects "workshop ground" let us know. ***

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