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Kudos to the Vortex Team!


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I just wanted to swing by and thank the Vortex Team for a wonderful job!

I used to mod the Original Skyrim using Nexus Mod Manager and manual modifications. It would take me a couple of weeks to get a good mod line-up ironed out, and even then I would encounter issues often. It was an excruciating experience, requiring me to take copious notes, trial and error and a lot of swearing.

After many years away, I decided to purchase the SE version of the game and give Vortex a shot. It took me less than a weekend to shop for mods here on the Nexus and get them installed. Sorting out mods that had problems was an easy process and cleanly uninstalling them was a breeze. Auto-installing mods with automatic downloading/installation and on the fly LOOT ordering worked so well, I keep expecting things to break and was skeptical when they didn't. I keep telling myself "This is too easy, surely something is broken. I just haven't figured out how, yet.", but that never happened. Any problems I encountered were always the result of an older, poorly updated mod, but last-updated information for the mods themselves helped with that greatly. Conflict notifications upon install and the resolution process were TOP-NOTCH!! I can't say that enough!

The coolest part of the whole process was that the learning curve was actually an easy climb. I just started installing mods and everything I needed to know was brought to my attention by notifications. The fact that every mod on the Nexus has clear requirement clarification and links helped a LOT.

So, to the entire Team, Thank you! JOB WELL DONE.

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