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Vortex Unable to Deploy Mods

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I think this is the right place to do this. I've already scrolled through the nexus mods reddit page looking for if anyone else has had the same issue. After the most recent Vortex update, I can no longer deploy my mods. The deployment method is still move deployment, all my stuff has remained the same. I have been modding Skyrim SE for the last four years and never had any issues that I could not fix by just looking for what others have gone through. When Vortex tells me that it cannot deploy mods, it says, "Failed to parse manifest: "Unexpected token '(bunch of tokens that I cannot replicate) JFIF"...is not valid JSON" Backup couldn't be read: Failed to parse manifest: "Extra 16818905 of 16818906 byte(s) found at buffer[1]" " Thank you for your time and any insights that can be made into fixing this. I have already submitted a bug report to Vortex but seeing that they are dealing with MANY other issues at this time, I imagine this is very low priority. I hope today is kind to all who see this. Cheers!

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It sounds like the Vortex JSON file in your Data folder has been corrupted by something.

Try using "Purge" and then "Deploy". 

If that doesn't work, try renaming vortex_deployment.json to something else, then deploy again. 

The other option would be to try and manually repair that file using a JSON validator. 

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Thank you for your reply! The first option does not work. Vortex fails to purge or deploy for the same given reason.

Regarding vortex_deployment.json where would I find this file? I have searched my computer for "vortex_deployment.json" and have come up with no results. Does it matter what I would name it to? (I apologize for being so rudimentary.)

For the final option, I put into Google "JSON Validator." I got the sites https://jsonlint.com/  and https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/ . Would I just copy the renamed vortex_deployment.json and put it into one of those windows, then copy paste the repaired form, overwriting the original?

Thank you for your time and help!

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I have been able to track down the source file. I can open it in Notepad and much of it is complete gibberish. Trying to copy that file into the JSON Online Validator doesn't seem to work.
I just tried to rename the file in question, closed Vortex in order to rename it. But now I can't re-open the file. Or Vortex for that matter. Dang. Did I just break Vortex overall?

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I have re-downloaded Vortex and that seems to have at least allowed me to reopen it. It has renamed the folder to app. Though it is showing it as a notepad file still. I cannot rename it without breaking the file. The file directory is C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app. It is an ASAR file, for whatever that means. I appreciate your assistance. I look forward to any insights you might be able to share to resolve this? Thank you again for your time.

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  • Solution

You shouldn't be poking about in this folder. C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app#

The file I suggested you remove was the vortex_deployment.json in the game data folder.

Updating Vortex won't fix this as it's not caused by a bug in Vortex itself. 

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