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Massive stack dumps in Nightcaller Temple


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I am posting this more to help others, though I would like to know if anybody has any ideas on the issue.

Nightcaller Temple blowup. I don’t know what happened. But I went into the Temple, (game was fine before I went in)  and my game went crazy. Stack dump after stack dump, dozens of scripts, in minutes the papyrus log got too big to open. I’ve never seen a ‘stack dump summary’ in the papyrus log before. I managed to save one before that happened. I can't upload it because it's 5.5mb. The summary I created might be easier to read. It was easy to tell in game when the next round of stack dumps was occurring.

When I opened the save to clean it, this is what ReSaver said: 


Eneldra the level 53 WoodElf female, in Skyrim on 534.09.55 (959/2359 xp).
 Save number 158, created on Tue Apr 23 12:35:02 EDT 2024.
Version string: null
Form version: 78
Total size: 33.7 mb (12.1 mb with LZ4)
Papyrus size: 18.8 mb
ChangeForms size: 14.0 mb
The savefile was successfully loaded.

Potential problems were identified
There are 22 unattached instances.
There are 26 undefined elements.
There are 30771 stacks and 30933 frames, which probably indicates a problem. DefaultNoFollowDoorScript occurs the most often (30755 occurrences)

I ended up going to a save prior to entering Nightcaller, cleaning it (there were 22 unattached instances and 7 undefined elements. I probably had those for awhile w/o issue) and telling every vanilla and modded follower and pet/other to wait. That might have been overkill, but it worked. And I don't feel like going through the stupid temple again.

Based on what ReSaver said, maybe the problem has something to do with Simple Follower Extension AE, but I don't know. I've had that for some time.


Nightcaller Temple blowup.txt

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I know Nightcaller Temple blocks active followers from entering, probably to keep them out of the way of the Torpor's vision when you do Erandur's quest.  DefaultNoFollowDoorScript is probably what keeps them out there, so yah, makes sense if that's part.of what's blowing up.

Have you had similar problems in other "Your follower cannot accompany you here" locations, with a similar number or composition of followers?

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Diplomatic Immunity was about the same: 3 modded followers with their own ai, 1 modded pet, the 2 elytra, 1 mouse, 1 modded follower w/ vanilla ai, and 4-5 vanilla followers (I've been using Simple Follower Framework). For Nightcaller I had 4 vanilla followers and 2 mice. So not a lot of difference. But I didn't have a problem with Diplomatic Immunity.

I did an internet search and read that Nightcaller could be problematic, and one of the posters said they had to dismiss their followers before they could get into the Temple. That's why I tried getting mine to wait.  It's odd, because I've never had a problem w/ Nightcaller before. This is the first time I've ever used a follower framework, so maybe it has something to do with the number of vanilla followers. In previous pt's I've used 3 modded followers (2 the same), the same modded pet, and 1 or both mice, plus 1 vanilla follower. I probably did not have the elytra in that game at that time.

I suppose the next test of 'follower can't follow' will probably be ... Cidhna Mine. Otherwise, when I go to the soul cairn, read a black book, or go to Sovngarde and none of those are likely to happen soon.

When I can face going to Nightcaller AGAIN, I might do some more testing. ... ugh, 20 minutes, over 3 millions lines in papyrus, 51 scripts in the first round of stack dumps ...

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I did some more testing. I can be reasonably sure it's not one mod. I had different followers wait, and when I reached a critical mass of waiting followers I did not get the errors. In one group I did not ask the vanilla followers to wait, but I asked enough others and I was able to proceed w/o all the stack dumps.

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