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Stardew Valley "failed to run tool"?


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 Vortex seems to not want to run Stardew Valley through SMAPI (I'm modding my game). I'm aware that Vortex doesn't exactly play nice with SMAPI, but I haven't had this problem in the past. Ever since the new update (and deleting/reinstalling my mods), it's refusing to start up.


 This is what pops up... I've never seen this error before.


 And this is all it tells me when I expand the details. I've tried installing SMAPI manually, as the mod author has suggested, but that isn't working out either... although I may try again. I'm not well-versed in this kind of stuff, and if the solution is obvious, I will bury my head in the wall.

Edited by lisard2001
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8 hours ago, Pickysaurus said:

Is the path in the screenshot definitely the one that points to SMAPI? 

 If you're asking if I'm sure that SMAPI is the issue, then yes, I'm positive. I've since tried again to install it manually to no avail. I can't even launch the game directly from SMAPI (it starts up but then close itself seconds after) nor will the game start up via Steam. I'm about tempted to wipe everything and start over from scratch :')

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