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XEdit how to detect if Serana is cured


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I am trying to add a condition to detect if Serana has been cured. This is using the Serana Umbrella mod. When she is human, she still covers herself from the sun, not good.

I tried two conditions so far.

1. IsUndead = 0
Result: she never holds umbrella; maybe game thinks she is never undead even before cure

2. Get QuestCompleted = 0 [DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest]
Only hold the umbrella if the quest to cure has not completed. No effect in game.
Runs on Subject, which maybe means Serana, should probably run on player; then set to Run on PlayerRef [PLYR:00000014], no effect.

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This is the condition used by the game to determine when Serena is self-cured and can have the appropriate dialog with the player.

Subject.GetStage(DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest [QUST:02005044]) = 100.000000 AND

You can see this at work within 02005033 <DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuestPostBranchTopic>

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