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Issue with any fallout 4 main menu replacer


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Ok so after the next gen update i can get most things to work as long as they  don't need f4se mcm etc., like texture replacers added weapons and stuff. everything was working fine until i tried loading a main menu replacer. long story short . if i replace mainmenuloop.bk2 with any other replacer i can no longer click on popups like if a previously load mod is gone or the first time you try lockpicking/hacking, or trying to confirm trade with a vendor with multiple items. i just cant click on the "ok" or "cancel" options. my mouse is still moving but I'm stuck at that screen. if I exit the game and place the original back it works again. i cant seem to find any other that are having the same issue.

for reference i am using vortex but with the above issue i used it and manual installs(Modder from the morrowind days). 

I have also verified the ini's are correct , and have tried the top 10ish  most downloaded  and or endorsed main menu replacers, and they all have the same effect. 

if anyone else is having this issue  or has any other ideas please let me know ive used many replacer for the main menu (fo3, fnv, oblivion, Skyrim, and before the update fo4, never had this issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Honestly, it seems like a major next-gen issue and it's not just the main menu screen either. I've had my game soft-lock multiple times as well on vendor screens, terminals, main menu, etc. I think the only way to resolve this is if someone is willing to create a mod, probably a F4SE script, to fix yet another one of the issues caused by Bethesda's tendency to create messes when updating the game.

I've heard a work-around for these types of bugs is using the console command "player.moveto player" to fix it, but those are on old gen and I can't confirm it'd work for next-gen, also doesn't work if you're in the main menu or in Survival mode either, unfortunately.

Edited by Puckuu
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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest deleted221785260



I had the same problem, now, after days trying to find the answer, I got it. 

FallUI - Confirm Boxes, it´s a mod that modify  pop-ups in the game, at the moment to select, or something like that. Just install the mod and the problem will be fixed.




Any question, I´m here.

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