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I've been doing some work on Slaves tonight, I've added in all the other slave specific topics save for the "-other" and "-ownership" topics. Also, as posted above, I finished the male a n a l sets and I've done a few other minor things like get the enchantments for the bracers and such created. I still need to go into blender/nifscope and mess around with the chains (in fact I need to find where I put the files, ha ha). But once I've got Better Bodies (remember, its required!) figured out then it shouldn't be to much longer before I can add/adjust the slave markets and the vendors. Currently I'm planning on two versions of SPS Slaves. The basic version will be all female slaves from vendors in Suran and Tel Aruhn. The enhanced version will have five Shemayle slaves for sale from a vendor in Vos. These slaves will have the same class based dialogue as the other slaves, but will have different "-pleasure" dialogue that will exist only for their race. One will be "male" and the other four will be "female" (if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about then check out "The Shemayle Book Series", in fact check it out anyway). There won't really be that much difference between the interaction of the "male" and "female" Shemayle, but I'm planning on adding a few "male" specific scenes. The bondage irons and such will be sold by vendors in Suran and Tel Aruhn and some Shemayle specific irons from a vendor in the same building in Vos. (That will be a new building as I don't recall there being a slave market in Vos already.)
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I was wondering are the piercings/shackles/etc going to have an effect on the topics used/available? This is more of a general idea rather then anything specific to the Slave add-on but I think it would be kinda neat to have a set of kinkier interactions if you go and proposition somebody while wearing shackles or the like, although I have no idea how to trigger that for an npc wearing the items (i believe the item dialogue condition only looks at your inventory). Still like i said would be kinda neat in the future particulary if you ever go and make a brothel for the pc to work in (*cough* unsubtle hint *cough*)
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I was wondering are the piercings/shackles/etc going to have an effect on the topics used/available? This is more of a general idea rather then anything specific to the Slave add-on but I think it would be kinda neat to have a set of kinkier interactions if you go and proposition somebody while wearing shackles or the like, although I have no idea how to trigger that for an npc wearing the items (i believe the item dialogue condition only looks at your inventory). Still like i said would be kinda neat in the future particulary if you ever go and make a brothel for the pc to work in (*cough* unsubtle hint *cough*)


I like your not so subtle hint. Yes, I do still plan on getting to the brothels, but having the pc work in one specific location is rather problematic; think quests rather than standing around waiting for customers. Main problem is really simple: I'm making this in Morrowind. If this was Oblivion there are dozens of different pose mods out there and I might be able to *cough* barrow *cough* something from one of those to get things just the way I'd like. Sadly this isn't Oblivion, so I can't do that. I don't know about the shackles, but with the piercings all the female slaves are going to have them by default, so they've been written into the mod that way, not that many of the scenes (so far) have mentioned them. At the moment, since is kinda suck at mesh making and don't have a real texture editor I'm doing this meshing/texturing work by guess and by gosh, and I'm still looking for someone who can do that stuff to make some statues for me (which would be simple if I didn't have some specific statues in mind). *cough* unsubtle hint *cough*

I could try the "Item" command in the dialogue (which I'll be using to check the player's gold amount with the prostitutes when I re-do the main mod again). As you say, and as far as I know, it does only check the invantory, but I think what the PC has equiped counts as part of the invatory so it should work. I think the point would really be that you have them, and can therefor put them on. I don't think it can be made to check the invatory of an npc, but I haven't done much work with that command. To be honest, I'm really adding the bondage gear/chains for visual eye candy and because they really are good work stuck in a badly dialogued mod.

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As mentioned this is more of a general idea for a future mod, mostly I see shackles as being a dialogue trigger/condition that allows more control of who and how propositions you. One idea I've had on the subject is to incorporate a collar/bracelet for the guards add-on where it would mark you as "working off" your fine. Obviously I have no idea what you will(hopefully) be doing for the guards but the above could lead to a system where if you rack up enough bounty and then get arrested you get a main "fade to black interaction" in which the guards immediate actions are described(and by immediate i mean anything form what happens in the next hour to how you spend the week) and then you get slapped with a collar/shackle that will mark you as available to guards you talk to (maybe a return to the random greeting chance of the original) and that can only be removed by an official after you satisfy the guards enough times.
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As mentioned this is more of a general idea for a future mod, mostly I see shackles as being a dialogue trigger/condition that allows more control of who and how propositions you. One idea I've had on the subject is to incorporate a collar/bracelet for the guards add-on where it would mark you as "working off" your fine. Obviously I have no idea what you will(hopefully) be doing for the guards but the above could lead to a system where if you rack up enough bounty and then get arrested you get a main "fade to black interaction" in which the guards immediate actions are described(and by immediate i mean anything form what happens in the next hour to how you spend the week) and then you get slapped with a collar/shackle that will mark you as available to guards you talk to (maybe a return to the random greeting chance of the original) and that can only be removed by an official after you satisfy the guards enough times.


Interesting. (See, this is why I need people like you in the forums, you think of things I don't!) I think the real trick here would be with the"force equip" & "force unequip" scripts that would be required to stop the player from putting armor & clothes back on (cuz, this being SPS, you'd be forced to do this in the buff :devil: ) and keep the player from taking the bracer off. I've never really been a big fan of fade to black, partly because it requires the use of message boxes and I simply think that dialogue text looks better.


I like the idea of "working off" the fine, in fact that is what I'd really like to do with the mod, but I'm not sure how. I was thinking something more along the lines of a "guard run brothel" where they serve as pimps for the female prisoners and the girls work out of their cells. Only real problem with that is that it puts the player in a fixed area for a period of time and I don't think many people (myself included) would really enjoy that and it would get really annoying. I had dialed it back to something more like the old "Guard S e x" mods; offer some "incentive" to the guard to reduce the fine, and depending on which "incentive" you offered, the fine would be reduced by a set amount. The real issues I'm seeing here are;

1) the default max bounty before the guards just try and kill you is 5000 gold, but I've upped that to 10k. I got really sick of taking something, then having to kill someone, and then having to kill a few guards and then finding that guards all over Morrowind were trying to kill me.

2) So even if the bounty is only 5000 then having a small amount knocked off per interaction (say either 50 or 100 gold), it is still going to take a loooong time to get the bounty down. Again that really limits the player's options; I'd like the mods to just be part of the background for the most part (in a realistic way, the "you know its there, but you don't have to deal with it all the time" kinda way). And even at 100 gold per interaction, then it still takes 50 interactions to clear a 5k bounty. (And knowing some of the guards, they'd want it a 5 gold per interaction, not 100. lol) So that means you still have to spend a long time working off the bounty rather than just offering something and getting a small bit knocked off. Maybe do both, and make this the "Go to Jail" option.

3) The scripting. See, I haven't actually tested the time advancement scripts yet. (Yes, Jac actually wrote them, heck its just one line of code, but I don't know if they can do days rather than hours (I think they can) but I'm not sure.) Also, there is random100, but not random10 or random20 (that I've ever seen). Having a message box pop up and say: "Today you serviced 89 people, which removed 4,450 gold from your bounty." == UNREALISTIC! I don't know what the record is for number of people one woman can get off in a day, but I'm betting it is less than 89. If one woman tried that (especially as they wouldn't be going one at a time) the men would end up enjoying the services of someone who was unconscious.


That said, I like the idea of random greetings for when working off the bounty. But maybe it should be a random greeting for everyone, rather than just the guards? Also, (I don't know if you saw Darthdota's posts) I was thinking of adding in some skill and attribute checks to the scripts, that way if your skills (athletics and acrobatics) and/or attributes (agility and personality) were above a set level(s) then you get a bonus. I was thinking (for regular SPS mods, not guards) that if Personality is above 70 getting a set 20 gold bonus; and if Agility is above 70 a 20 gold bonus, with 10 gold bonuses if Athletics and/or Acrobatics are above 60. I'm trying to keep both the gold bonuses and the levels reasonable, but if you get all the bonuses that is still 60 extra gold, and that is more than some of the low end interactions. So I was thinking of only applying it to the Kw3 and Kw4 level interactions. I think I can work the scripts so that if Agility, Personality or Acrobatics is/are above a set level (70, 80, 70) there is a bonus to the amount taken off the bounty, but the real issue with the scripting is that the bounty is normally cleared when you talk to a guard and either pay it off or go to jail. With this, it would have to be stored, a la "Resist Arrest" only with out the resisting bit.


I think the best way to sum up this long, rambling, bunch of un-organized jibberish is to simply say: Let me finish Slaves first!

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Trying to keep this up to date and on the latest page:


You can have the slave give you a massage (only one result for this per gender, it's the same every time). Done


Male orally...Done


F&ck, for men...This ended up with six, and is Done.


A$$ F&ck...Ended up with a total of three, and is Done.


Something Kinky for men....Progress is shifting but it is acutally Done.


Female oral...Only two, but its Done


Female F&ck...Finished two, but still have at least two to do. (What would Scooby Doo?)


Le$bian a$$ play...One complete, two to go.


Female kinky... :biggrin: Cumming along fine, one done, one idea, and one to go.


I'm writing these in a Word doc before moving them to the CS (helps to cut down my misspellings and makes editing easier). Currently, the doc is twelve pages with 5,361 words. Now, to point out, about 700+ of those words have been struck though due to the dialogue being to long for the CS. Personally, (modesty going out the window here) I think this is some of the best stuff I've done so far; but I'll leave that up to those who are going to be playing the mod to decide.


In terms of the other sections of the mod:


The other slave specific dialogue options are mostly transfered. I've altered some of the text to be more SPS themed or to correct spelling errors or to better suit my tastes. When you punish a slave I've added something (one male and one female) description of what you do to her. Note that slaves really don't like to be punished, in the sense of "you've done something wrong and I'm going to punish you" rather than the "let's have kinky BDSM fun" type of punishment.


I have some of the enchantments done, but I haven't messed with the bracers or the body in Blender/Nifscope yet. I haven't started working on the cells or npcs either. I went into SSlave Companions to get the rest of the text and also copied all the slave spells and most of the scripts, which are considerable and nasty. The majority is so much Greek to me that I'm going to have to sit down and possibly flowchart out what the scripts do. I also need to look at the NPCs from SSC and see which scripts are attached to them and what specific dialogues they have. (I'm starting to think that my life would be easier if I simply made a copy of the SSC .esp and wrote my stuff into it. I won't, but boy is it tempting.)


Edit: Oh yeah, I also need to re-write all the SPSsex scripts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been looking through some old photos (you know what kind :thumbsup: ) and I've had some ideas for more Slaves scenes. So I've gotten one lesbi scene, one lesbi a$$ scene, and one of the female kinky scenes written, but not yet added to the mod. I've also made some changes to the number and order of the scenes.


Most of the "Kinky" scenes tend to assume that you own multiple slaves. Since the slaves will be purchased through dialogue rather than the barter screen (duh), they are all going to be the same price (5,000 gold), regardless of your mercantile skill. The Shemayle slaves will all be the same price, but, since they are much harder to find, their price will be rather higher (7,500 gold). I don't feel that these prices are in anyway unreasonable, in fact I think they are rather low considering that anyone who has played MW for a reasonable length of time knows more than a few ways to make gold quickly if they just can't wait to buy a slave.

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You can have the slave give you a massage (only one result for this per gender, it's the same every time). Done


Male orally...Done


F&ck, for men...This ended up with six, and is Done.


A$$ F&ck...Ended up with a total of three, and is Done.


Something Kinky for men....Progress is shifting but it is acutally Done.


Female oral...Only two, but its Done


Female F&ck...Finished two, but still have at least two to do. (What would Scooby Doo?)


Le$bian a$$ play...One complete, two to go.


Female kinky... :biggrin: Cumming along fine, one done, one idea, and one to go.



Just a general update here; I've gotten some more work done on the s e x scenes, not very many mentions of the slaves being pierced, but they are in there. Some of this is fairly kinky, much in the way of s e xual torture and whipping in the "Kinky" sections, also a fair amount of bathing/shower

s e x. Slaves washing you and what not. I've decided to try one new thing with one of the "Female Kinky" scenes; I put a random choice into the existing scene. There is a 30% chance of a "Yes" and 70% chance of "Maybe Later". (To say the least the second choice is far less erotic, and is written in such a way that it really makes you interested in the "Yes" answer. Or it should, as that is the way I wrote it.)


Note that with the male and female "Kinky" topics, 50% of the time you will get a totally bland, generic response that hints at things but doesn't actually spell anything out. Also note that, if playing a male PC, you really want to buy a Dunmer (Dark Elf) slave girl. One scene will only play if you are talking to a Dunmer slave, so you've been warned (several times I think).


*** Some of the s e x acts in the SPS mods should under NO circumstances be attempted without the assistance of someone who knows what the effing heck they are doing!! I DO NOT COUNT!!! Much as I would like to say that I do, I can't and don't. Do not try something you have seen in these mods or even some idea you had based on something from these mods; this is fantasy, not reality. In reality some of these acts might actually KILL you. This is both warning and disclaimer; if you choose to try it/them and get hurt then you made the choice to try it and any injuries recieved are your own fault. ***

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Doing some more work on SPS Slaves as I type this, thank the Nine for the easy work that this programing course is. After learning scripting for Morrowind this is almost like a holiday, lol.


I wasn't planning on having disposition requirements for the pleasure dialogue (they're slaves, they're supposed to do what they're told right?) but I started thinking about it and I think that I am going to add them in. I think that it is more natural that, if the slave doesn't like you then they don't do something that is going to make you happy. Here is the breakdown:


Massage: they'll do this regardless.

Ora1: 30 point minimum.

Ana1 and normal s e x: 40 point disposition minimum.

Kinky: 50 minimum.


I see these numbers as being realistic and you really shouldn't have any problems keeping their dispositions in the 70 to 90 range. Especially since having "fun" with them adds points to their disposition based on the following scale:


Massage: Nada.

Ora1: 1 point.

Ana1: 2 point.

S e x: 3 points.

Kinky: Ranges from 3 to 5 points.


Since the disposition bumps are done in the results box rather than the script itself I don't need to worry about the scripts for this. However I still need to re-write the scripts and basicly customize them for almost every different interaction. Up to four on the lesbi regular and the second lesbi ana1 needs to be writen but I know what I'm going to do for it. Only need one more lesbi ana1, but I've still got 30 random for regular lesbi to go, so that is looking like two interactions possibly three. One more female kinky to write, but I know what it's going to be, just a matter of getting to it.

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