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ATCHUNG! For those who have downloaded the cbbe knee fix for the Animated Mannequins mod (can someone please port it and its armed mannequins addon to Skyrim for f*#@ sake) and are experiencing CTDs when selecting female or armed mannequins take note: The reason is because the female mesh is missing. (I found that out by going into the CK and seeing that instead of the mesh there was that red diamond exclamation point thingy.) It turns out the culprit is the cbbe knee fix, which requires the Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix - Legs for Days - 3BBB mod. Now what the knee fix does is redirect the mesh path to that of the skeletal adjustments mod. However, neither the game nor the CK are aware of this and try to look for it in the original directory. When I actually took the time to read the knee fix description I knew that would explain why the female mesh was missing, so I uninstalled the knee fix and the skeletal adjustments and PRESTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The female mesh shows up in the CK and no more CTDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Is there a reason you don't use the Mannequins Look Human mod which I've been using without issues for may years? It automatically uses the correct skeleton for your game. For instance, I use ZEX skeleton with Fusion Girl, and the mod has no issues at all.

Here's an example of those mannequins in game. I used two mannequins to make the film:




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Post script: I reread your warning carefully, and it sounds like the mannequin mod you used have no problems at all. The issue is the CBBE Knee Fix mod, not the mannequin mod. I guess I'm glad I use Fusion Girl with ZEX and don't have to worry about trying to make CBBE emulate Fusion Girl 🙂

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If necessary, you can easily add a knee fix to the zex. In fact, you can easily insert any bones into any skeleton. In a regular Nifscope this is done easily. zaz is also far from ideal. TheBottomhoodofSteel is very against using these knots in zaz because it disfigures the BodyTalk legs. In real life, BodyTalk legs are not difficult to correct by adding a morph that compensates for the fixed knee. I support TheBottomhoodofSteel's legitimate claim, but there's nothing stopping everyone, privately, from giving their characters a good knees.

About the Mannequins. Does anyone know how to add cbp bones and corrected face bones to them? Mannequins would be more useful if their cbp bones worked. I mean... Tits and butts were bouncing, and the face didn't have that subtle rat mark on it.

Regarding mannequins and the knee... I always use a knee fix. The mannequins always didn't care about this fix. No one has ever had any failures from the knee fix. There was a crash due to the enabled ragdoll collision on older PCs. But I have long forgotten about this. There haven't been any problems with mannequins for a long time... Well, except for the fact that they don't use full skeletons.


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3 hours ago, South8028 said:

About the Mannequins. Does anyone know how to add cbp bones and corrected face bones to them? Mannequins would be more useful if their cbp bones worked. I mean... Tits and butts were bouncing, and the face didn't have that subtle rat mark on it.

If you use the Mannequins Look Human mod I linked above, both the male and female mannequins will have all the OCBPC bones your human race has. I have a ton of film examples of this as I use mannequins in most of my films, but my examples are in the Nexus Supporter section which I note you can't see 😞

I have safe examples on Flickr as well, but what Flickr considers safe, Nexus considers skimpy. So I'm not sure if they're safe to link directly in these forums. Thus out of caution I'm not linking any.

You don't need to add CBP bones because they already have them if you use the ZEX skeleton.

Also, you said you add knee fix bones to you ZAZ Extended Skeleton, but that makes no sense to me as ZEX already has all the OCBPC bones in it natively.

CBBE Knee Fix was an attempt to add to CBBE what ZEX already has. ZEX (and thus Fusion Girl) doesn't need a knee fix because it doesn't have knee disjointing that CBBE has.

But seriously, if your human skeleton already has CBP/OCBPC, then the Mannequins Look Human mod will have them.

p.s. Oh, I found an old YouTube link which has age restriction on it, so I think having that age verification barrier should make it safe to use here. The Flickr version of that film has no age verification because to Flickr it's already safe 🙂 The upside down woman is a mannequin. You can see she has all the needed bones natively.


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@South8028: Afaik Animated Mannequins uses the meshes in the characterassets folder. If you have a working CBP body there the mannequins should automatically have the same body. I use Cherry Hotaling's physics for females and it works this way for me. And you can use about a hundred different presets. 

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10 hours ago, Karna5 said:

If you use the Mannequins Look Human mod I linked above, both the male and female mannequins will have all the OCBPC bones your human race has. I have a ton of film examples of this as I use mannequins in most of my films, but my examples are in the Nexus Supporter section which I note you can't see 😞

I have safe examples on Flickr as well, but what Flickr considers safe, Nexus considers skimpy. So I'm not sure if they're safe to link directly in these forums. Thus out of caution I'm not linking any.

You don't need to add CBP bones because they already have them if you use the ZEX skeleton.

Also, you said you add knee fix bones to you ZAZ Extended Skeleton, but that makes no sense to me as ZEX already has all the OCBPC bones in it natively.

CBBE Knee Fix was an attempt to add to CBBE what ZEX already has. ZEX (and thus Fusion Girl) doesn't need a knee fix because it doesn't have knee disjointing that CBBE has.

But seriously, if your human skeleton already has CBP/OCBPC, then the Mannequins Look Human mod will have them.

p.s. Oh, I found an old YouTube link which has age restriction on it, so I think having that age verification barrier should make it safe to use here. The Flickr version of that film has no age verification because to Flickr it's already safe 🙂 The upside down woman is a mannequin. You can see she has all the needed bones natively.


oh, I see. I thought we were talking about another mod, "Animated Mannequins"... Where there are 200 female and 100 male animations. I'm using this mod. It uses a skeleton without cbp bones. The Zex skeleton does not have a knee fixation. Fixing the knee has nothing to do with cbp. The knee fix is a separate unit that adds space between the femur and tibia bones. Zex doesn't do anything to the knee. It's just that the fg mesh has a knee extended forward, which slightly compensates for the lack of a knee joint in the skeleton. fg also has a thin knee. The knee doesn't break like in cbbe, but it's far from perfect.

I don't use fg and cbbe. I have my own body with my own universal skeleton, which contains all the bones from all bodies. My shoulders are much better than the fg and the knee is better tuned because there is a fixed knee and different adaptive morphs. Unfortunately my body has a different problem. The OS grid is inaccurate compared to 3ds. This small error prevents me from making perfect neck and wrist seams. I have had some pretty good gaming results with the neck stitch. But the arms still have stitches. But, most importantly... My body has much more developed genitals than fg. Haha. 😁



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