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Cloudflare bug


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this is the error code cloudflare is throwing on google chrome i assume the same for firefox Error: 600010  i can only sign in via incognito.. tried disabling all extensions still happens. this is on linux specifically steamOS aka steam deck.

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It's not an error I'm seeing right now.  Can you get in on other devices?  And was it affecting the main site, or the forums, or both?

For that matter, are you still getting the error now?  (Could be a connection issue that's passed.)

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I have been having this problem all day today, challenges.cloudflare.com is kicking back error 600010 to me. But luckily I just noticed I am still logged in on the forums side so I can comment. A few days ago, I noticed that when I went to a profile, which is on the next.nexusmods.com domain, I wasn't logged in. And I could not log in. I thought it was just something on the next subdomain. But today I was no longer logged in to the main nexus site, and still can not get logged in. I have tried 3 different computers, different browsers, and multiple VPN locations. In the USA (where I am), and in multiple countries in Europe, and even in Japan. Nothing works. Cleared cache, cleared cookies... nothing.

So 2 points: 1) It is affecting more than one of us, and 2) anyone that stays logged in won't notice the issue until nexus decides it is time for them to login once again. I assume because some cookies expired?

Lastly, the VPN I use is PIA - Private Internet Access. I have been using it for years, and have a multiple year subscription, so that isn't going to change. What I AM curious about, is do other people having this issue also use a VPN, and specifically PIA.

And to any Nexus admin reading this, could you please contact cloudflare and tell them that people are having issues? I can't contact them... because they use their own captcha... so I can't get anywhere on their sites either!


Edited by chickmetalhead
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Same here, let me log in on Internet explorer but every cloudflare i try on chrome fails for last few days, not just Nexus,.  Man, I was just on like an hour ago, come back to download something and boom, please log in, but nope

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Any problem with the Cloudflare Turnstyle (Captcha) is caused by your own setup. This is often "privacy" browser addons or settings breaking the normal operation of the website, your system date and time being wrong or something at your ISP blocking it. 


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