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The Curious Nature Of My Unique Downloads

Guest deleted156886133

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Guest deleted156886133

I'm puzzled about the unique download count of one of my mods. There are three different versions of the mod, so three separate download counts and the unique downloads don't sync with the count at the top left of the page.

Current state, as pictured below:


So, answer me this: How does 8+3+4 not equal 15? Here's the mod page just so you know I'm not full of it.

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Because they are showing different things.

The UDL stat on your mod page shows you unique downloads on your entire mod page. If your mod page has 5 files on it and someone downloads every single file then each file will get 1 UDL, but your mod page doesn't get 5 UDL, it gets 1 UDL as well.

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Guest deleted156886133
15 minutes ago, Dark0ne said:

If your mod page has 5 files on it and someone downloads every single file then each file will get 1 UDL, but your mod page doesn't get 5 UDL, it gets 1 UDL as well.

That's still somewhat confusing. What's puzzling me is the mirrored counts. It just seems like the unique count should be lower than total on at least one of them. I think I got it though. Maybe if I smoke a little more weed I'll get.

Thanks and don't forget to bring a towel.

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You have 3 files on your page. Their UDL counts are:


This means that the maximum your mod page UDL stat can be is 8 + 3 + 4 = 15. If it was 15, it would mean that none of your users downloaded more than 1 file on your page.

Your UDL stat is actually 11, which means that 4 of your users downloaded 2 or more files on your mod page.

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