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dochdeputata1107 - Banned

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Account Banned - dochdeputata1107

dochdeputata1107 has been banned from Nexus Mods for violating our community rules.


Sending an unhinged rant to our support team:
"Hello stupid little faggot niggers, why in the actual fuck have you banned me in nexus messenger? you dont like me writing reviews about modders' work? fuck you and all of your staff and your families and your lgbtqia+ RGB HD LGTV friends. You have the worst site modders after reddit, twitch and discord (all gay niggers). Fuck you and burn in hell, may your life be miserable"

Your forum profile was blocked from sending PM after you chose to send an abusive and entitled PM to a mod author. Considering your reaction here, clearly you're not a good fit for this community.


Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators.

Moderation History

Banned by Pickysaurus. This member received 0 formal warnings before they were banned.

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Hello motherfuckers. So you just dont like when ppl write reviews? why have you banned me in messenger and in mods page? Im not fitting to your community LOL. so its ok that you are liars? you defend pussy gay niggers that propagandize buying games yet which i will not be the owner of? (piracy thing) You wrote to me that i was banned for writing to support team, yet how the fuck are you related to my account? if i dont like you and i write you a review you just ban me cuz you dont like hearing bad things about yourself? secondly i wrote a PRIVATE MESSAGE to a mod author why in the fuck can you read that????????? its ILLEGAL FUCK YOU RETARDS LOL YOU EXPOSED YOURSELF. if i had an argue with bitch boot licker why in the fuck you ban me everywhere? those are unrelated things... 3 how the fuck are you supposed to get to know i created another account???? so you check my ip and other private data you think thats ok??? its ILLEGAL. and yes i will pirate ALL games more and more just so bitches like you dont get paid 🙂 and i will tell people to use your site less and you will go broke (like you already are) See you in court. Fuck you and burn in hell, may your life be miserable

User's response to this ban. More childish ranting. 

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clowns get life


so what are the reasons for ip ban then? you have none, but i have reasons
to see you in court now 100% ( also i will fuck you all in the ass )


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