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Is the recent FO4SE update still unstable or can you make DLC sized mods now? Also, if you can't what kind of mods can you make for fallout 4


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I'm kind of confused about what's going on with FO4SE mods overall. If you can even create a DLC-sized mod in general and what kind of mods you would be able to create if someone has a clear answer on whether or not you can do that, please do tell BGS has been grinding my gears lately I don't know why they do the s#*! that they do like WTF if it ain't broke don't fix it (or in this case make the game worse by giving PC users the worst gameplay experience ever) if they update fallout 4 I swear to god I will quit playing. So yeah, just wanted to know what's new with the community and what's available.

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You can make anything in the 1.10.163 environment and then AFTER Bethesda is done releasing patches(it's not over yet) you THEN update to the newest environment and your data files and archives along with it.

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11 hours ago, worm82075 said:

You can make anything in the 1.10.163 environment and then AFTER Bethesda is done releasing patches(it's not over yet) you THEN update to the newest environment and your data files and archives along with it.

Ok man thanks for the feedback that was much appreciated

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When you think about it, this should be the next Capital One commercial (i.e. the easiest decision in the history of decisions).

When to update?    Now or Wait until Fallout:London releases.


Fallout:London was complete already.     The only thing delaying it's release is the update and it the issues that causes.

Just monitor their project.    They will tell you when it's safe to update just by their release decision/timing.

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I suspect the problem is that most fixes rely on a very small number of individuals, maybe just one or two people, which have very rare skills, like making plugins for F4SE and interface mods. In which mods rely many of the DLC sized mods, like, for example, pipboy tabs and extended dialogue interface. They probably are doing their best effort to get these mods working again, but I'm certain they are waiting for bethesda to stop throwing updates, so I'd say we'd need to wait at least a month, maybe.

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