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Far Harbor: White LOD

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Yeah but that doesn't matter. The issue is that a lot of nifs have a filepath going to "C:\Projects\Fallout4\Build\PC\Data\Materials\", which is not my folder but from some developer.

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5 hours ago, niston said:

The "C:\Projects\Fallout4\Build\PC\Data\" prefix should simply be ignored.
This prefix is in a lot of NIFs, and they work for me.

Ya, I was thinking that this might be a false positive, since it's on so many nifs.

3 minutes ago, Zorkaz said:

Yeah but exactly those LOD .nifs don't work for me and create white LOD objects.

Since it's in like 28% of all nifs, you could check some of the working nifs around a broken one and see if the working ones also have the C:\ paths, which would imply it's not actually the problem. Could also be worth downgrading or finding a previous DLCCoast - Main.ba2 to see if they're in the old stuff. It seems weird that it's in so many of them but other people don't seem to be seeing major issues.

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