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What if they held a war and YOU didn't come?


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At Your Own Pace introduced the far more sensible notion that Balgruuf the Mostly Neutral won't make you fight in the Civil War if you want him to extend his help.

The Civil War has always been substandard due to its sheer ambition and Civil War Overhaul is a wondrous, system-straining work. My thought is, could someone make a mod that has these yahoos war among themselves and leave you alone?

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The implications would be that as your character sits it out, the war is happening, and when you leave an area, and come back to it several game weeks later, there would be smouldering ruins, and one side or another would be in control, and the world would totally change around you.

I think, though, as Dragonborn, with the power of "The Thu'um," both sides would view your character with a great deal of suspicion.  Stormcloak and Imperial camps might bar you entry to their camps and cities in their control.  You might end up having to fight both sides and form your own faction....

Hmmm...  I don't know...  Now, I'm thinking too much.

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The Greybeards stay scrupulously neutral and are respected by both sides. As they were the ones to announce the player is Dovahkiin, it will be assumed by those who have the most faith in the Thu'um that the player is following the Way of the Voice.

Some hotheads will fight for certain but I doubt it would get organized. I base this take on the Neutral Party approach to Helgen Reborn.

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On 5/25/2024 at 8:46 AM, anjenthedog said:

Been playing Skyrim since 2019. I haven't been in that stupid civil war since the beginning. If you don't want to be in a civil war, don't join either warring group.

Before AYOP and TCIY, you had to join a side to capture that dragon at Dragonsreach. It was a Bethesda Plot priority, aka "Nonsensical Railroading Plot Nerf". As it is, while you can ditch the b!tch;, (AKA avoid the War) they never resolve it without you. I mean never.

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Well, in all fairness, I don't mind if they never resolve it. 😉

I'd gladly join a questline bent on wiping out the thalmor, (espcially one conducted by both imps and nords) but imperials and stormcloaks are my pals, my friends, my family, my countrymen!), but not that. That's exactly what the colonials... erm Thalmor, want.

And on that basic tack, I expect those Boethia cultists are still chanting and singing and looking for their sacrifice as well, since I'm not intentionally sacrificing someone so I can get a quest bauble.  Same for the "Dark Brotherhood", who keeps sending their punk thug nuisances to off me, and I off them instead.

Hmm, that gives mew an idea... methinks I shall pursue a new, undeclared Holy quest. "Wipe out the cult of Boethia"...

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48 minutes ago, anjenthedog said:

And on that basic tack, I expect those Boethia cultists are still chanting and singing and looking for their sacrifice as well, since I'm not intentionally sacrificing someone so I can get a quest bauble. 

I gather Boethiah for Good Guys (LE, SE) isn't an option, since you still sacrifice a random NPC the mod provides.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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Nope. There are just some roads I won't go down, and some questlines that offend me at a core level. Boethia fits that model.

(for me) Civil war is more a thing of "how stupid, you dumb-assed imperials and stormcloaks, you're being playing by the Thalmor and wiping out your own civilization for them, idiots!"

anyway, didn't mean to hijack, so I'll drop off...

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No worries, I get it. And I agree. In point of fact, the Book of the Dragonborn has one of those prophecies that shows in hindsight how idiotic the war is. It was one of the conditions to bring Alduin back! An awareness of this in the back of our minds is why many of us take sides against Ulfric "Warcrimes" Stormcloak.


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