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I really wish so badly I had other games to play.

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I have a lot of DLC for Sims3 and some of it has made the game very amusing... I love what the Sims do if you leave them to their own devices...

I don't have anything else to suggest. BG1&2 is a bit like Neverwinter Nights (personally I liked NWN but it's not as good as BG1&2 for me). After BG1 & 2 Morrowind comes next for me... but again, it's not for everyone.

If I think of anything, I'll say. Personally, at the moment, I'm playing the: I wish I hadn't updated to the latest version of the OS game... It's the one where you finally give up and wipe the whole thing so as to do a clean install. Hours of not-fun with that one... 🙂


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10 minutes ago, InDarkestNight said:

As for games, honestly I prefer a fantasy theme. These historical strategy games you all keep mentioning aren't exactly my cup of tea.

Well, to be fair, you only now mentioned your preference for fantasy. Have you been to the itch.io website? Here's a selection of fantasy games from there. If you have infinite scroll enabled in your browser, the games just keep loading when you scroll. So, I'm sure you'll find something there. If not, I'm out of ideas.

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Posted (edited)

I know nothing about io games to be honest. I did try slither.io or something like that years and years ago, but my internet speed was too bad for it. Can you actually download these itch.io games? What do they even have on there? Are they browser games like you saw on Kongregate and Newgrounds years and years ago (are those sites even up anymore?) I don't know the first thing about this.

Also, what on earth does this .io thing even mean? What's with the odd tag?

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16 minutes ago, zixi said:

Morrowind comes next for me... but again, it's not for everyone.

Heh, funny enough I do own Morrowind but have never played it. It didn't come to mind now though because I figured it would be too close to Skyrim. I was looking for a different genre of game all together.

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28 minutes ago, InDarkestNight said:

Heh, funny enough I do own Morrowind but have never played it.

I really, really really think that MW would be a nice place to start. I wish I hadn't played it yet! 😄

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Well, decided to give slither.io another chance. Oddly, when I typed in the name, it took me directly to the game rather than search results! Wtf.

That said, yeah, my lag was too bad. Bad as in means stuttering, and I barely had any control over my own worm.

My internet speed caps out around 500 mib, seriously. Lately, its not been wanting to go over 300, and I'm lucky if it gets even that! Most of the time its not even 1 mib, seriously. Its been making using the internet a pain. Given this, can I play any of these io games? I clearly can't play slither.io, annoying as that is. Maybe I should take my laptop to mcdonalds or something and try to play it on that.

edit: Running a test just now, I'm capping at about 3 KiB while the game is running. Fml. Funny story btw, I got the best premium internet in town! Its just not possible to get decent internet speed around here. Does this mean io games are off limits to me?

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20 hours ago, InDarkestNight said:

My internet speed caps out around 500 mib, seriously. Lately, its not been wanting to go over 300, and I'm lucky if it gets even that! Most of the time its not even 1 mib, seriously.

Is your computer connected over wifi, or mobile phone data, or an ethernet cable?  If wifi or mobile, it could be there's something near you interfering with the signal.  If wired, check your cable connections or your router's internal settings.

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Posted (edited)

Wifi. Also, what could be interfering? Nothing's changed. Of course, my internet kept lagging while my roommate was online. We've since found out though that it was due to some stupid program on windows 11 that's on by default and eats up a stupid amount of bandwidth. Lately though, its been happening perpetually, regardless of whether his comp is on or not! Wtf?

That said, I have thought more than once that maybe I need to buy an actual ethernet cable to minimize interference to my computer. Besides, I hear those give better bandwitch than any wireless connection can. No idea where I could buy such though, given that the only computer store in town has gone out of business. What, do I need to go to walmart and pray they have it? Also, I don't even know if I could plug a ethernet cable into this comp.

On a side note, itch.io has been down all day! This link here shows it been down for over 10 hours now! Fml. It would appear you can download programs from there, but the search options suck. How am I supposed to pick anything when you have to click on a game to see anything about it other than its title and startscreen? Also, that site seems to have a lot of questionable content on it, including copyrighted games.

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Well, I guess I just have to play Skyrim again. That's life for you. No matter much you struggle and fight for your f*#@ing life, you always lose. I can have no other games under any circumstance. Steam doesn't allow it, the internet doesn't allow it, I'm fortunate I can even still play Skyrim. I can't even leave my house right now due to an 'incident'. So now I'm stuck at home for the rest of the day, without a damned thing to do. Clearly I'm not allowed to play games, I'm not allowed to listen to music, I'm not allowed to have fun, I'm not allowed to relax, I'm not allowed TO BE FREE IN THE MOST BULLSHIT COUNTRY ON THIS PLANET.

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Well, decided to go and re-download Command and Conquer. However, turns out, ITS OWNED BY EA NOW. They've long taken down the page, so its no longer freely available. You can't even buy it on steam. You have to buy a $100 bundle to get it now. Go figure. f*#@ EA. Why must they destroy everything? Do they hate their customers? They actually make even Bethesda look benign in comparison.

So yeah, still no games for me, itch.io is also still down for 12 hours now. Did they get taken down due to all the copyrighted stuff they had on there? I can find no news at all about this, even though major sites going down for hours normally makes the news. Even duckduckgo makes the news when it goes down. Wtf?

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