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Cyberpunk 2077 Survey for Dissertation


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Hey guys! I am a postgraduate student from the University of Glasgow, conducting a study on how interactive narrative influences player engagement in Cyberpunk 2077 for my dissertation. This questionnaire is designed to understand your attitude towards the game both as a player and as a consumer. It takes approximately 3-5 minutes to complete. Your feedback will provide meaningful evidence for my research. 

Here is the link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KVxybjp2UE-B8i4lTwEzyFo9p19Sc4FMgZnNZPjpHrFUOUZPTExWNkdHTDc0WjhHVTRLUDVWT1BHQS4u

I assure you that all responses will be kept confidential and used solely for academic purposes. Thank you in advance!

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I took your survey, henrywick. FYI, to follow up on some of your questions, the main game was pretty good. I took all four or five endings 3+ years ago and enjoyed two or three of them very much. But I did not consider it one of my favorite games at the time. I recently played the DLC which employed Idris Alba as Reed and some other great actors as Songbird, Alex, Myers and several others, and I took the Reed ending. The acting and story were so amazing it was all I could do to hold back tears for the last few hours. In addition, the extra content with Misty and the Doc (forgot his name) were superb. The main game bothered me a lot, even though I loved it, because it forced a conflict between  Johnny and V. I do not like forced conflicts. I felt like I had reduced choices and control over the story. It was still a good story, and the acting of its characters were still wonderful, but that lack of control is what made me not consider it one of my favorite games (and I've been PC gaming since 1981). With the DLC, however, it did not force that conflict between Johnny and V. In fact, Johnny was much more supportive. WIth the DLC and the Reed ending, I currently consider CP77 my favorite game I've played so far out of many hundreds of games over the decades.

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One more follow up. You asked a bit about the developers, Project Red, and what I thought of them. I played witcher 2 and 3 long ago, and I hated the series for two reasons. In witcher 2, I couldn't figure out where to go or what to do. I was literally stuck, trapped in an area, unable to figure out where to go. In witcher 3, there was a moment where a guard asked me if I'd be interested in joining his group (templars or the like, I forgot the exact name). I wanted to say yes, but my character, without my permission, said no. I hated the game instantly at that moment because I had no control how to answer or what path to take. This problem with CD Project Red ties into why the main Cyberpunk 2077 game was not one of my favorite games. I simply didn't have enough control.

The changes they made to the DLC, however, remedied that problem. If future games by these developers take the path they did with this DLC, I will like the development team as a whole much more. Also, if they continue to pick superb actors, that will go a long way to immersion.

Finally, I hate first person games. If they're good enough (such as Far Cry series or CP77), I'll still play them. But the whole time I'm playing first person I'm hating that perspective which is a tough impediment to overcome, though good story and acting (such as FC4, FC5 and CP77) helps overcome it.

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It is interesting because I have the exact opposite attitude to the Witcher versus Cyberpunk. I loved Witcher 2, I enjoyed Witcher 3, so I had high hopes for Cyberpunk since it was made by the same studio... and then I was bored. First person was awful, I am NOT V. Could not connect with any of it, it was crashing all the time, I gave up after a couple of days, what a waste of money. Went back to the Witcher.

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12 hours ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

it was crashing all the time

That comment reminds me of Mafia 3. When it first came out, it kept crashing on me losing 20 or 30 minutes of hard work at a time. It was incredibly frustrating and made me so angry at the game. Around half a year later, they had stabilized the game (and added some amazing DLCs with extra stories), and Mafia 3 became one of my and my girlfriend's favorite games ever. We both played the game several times over the years and still talk about it.

A lot of games seem to be ruined by getting released too soon. I understand that it costs a lot during development, and some companies need to balance going bankrupt with releasing prematurely, but it still ruins a lot of games.

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