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The nature of mods.

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I am posting this because people seem to be under some delusions of the importance of mods to game companies. So I am reposting this:

Mods by their nature are unofficial noncommercial additions, tweaks, and repurposing of a commerical product. Bethesda is a business. A business that is beholden to shareholders. Even with arguments how mods lengthen or add sales to a product; none of that shows up in a revenue report or will be accounted for by shareholders or in Bethesda's case your corporate accounting teams at Microsoft. Any changes Bethesda makes if for their own additional content or to fix issues with their current content. They will not, should not, and cannot worry about mods. Understand this. The fact that people even think Bethesda should be considering mods beyond giving tools vastly exposes how naive and ignorant most people are not just of the game industry but just corporate impetuses as a whole.

As a modder understand, you are essentially always jailbreaking something even with official tools. You are breaking warranty. You are unofficial. You may add value but it will never be ever represented directly in any part of business decisions. So Bethesda owes you nothing but to have a working core product. They will nto and should not be considering the millions of way you may tweak, break, and repurpose code, systems, and assets in their game. You are not entitled to any consideration. As a mod user understand this too.

Accept that and then embrace that.

Another embarassing and idiotic thing I have seen is when mod users expect mod authors to address the millions of ways their games are modded and then somehow have some way to get diagnostic information from " Mod doesn't work. FIX!". There have been repeated ways to troubleshoot from disabling half of your mods and so on to isolate the conflict or using sf1edit for keyword heavy mods to get potential load order snafus. There's levels of delusion. Always get the details right. Understand the context.

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Mods contribute to the longevity of a game, but, no, there isn't really any way to quantitatively analyze that.... Also, only a small percentage of players actually USE mods... So, yeah, beth can do whatever they want, with zero consideration for mods/modders. Been that way since Morrowind.

And the whole "This mod doesn't work." thing? Yeah, that's been around since morrowind too. 😄 But, that doesn't apply to just mods. The number of help requests I get that consist of basically "X thingy doesn't work, can you fix it?", Just boggles the mind. Apparently, anyone that does Tech Support is Psychic... and can pluck necessary information out of the ether. (you know, that network stuff.....) (I do computer/network support/repaid for a living.)

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12 hours ago, sandmoose13 said:

What a vague, insulting, and snotty rant. You really think you're smarter than every one else. LOL!!! Hilarious.

TLDR for the comprehension starved right here: Company make product. Company not make product for mods. Company only responsible for product. Company not care about whether fixing or updating product breaks mods because they only need to care about actual product.

Also. No I am not smarter than anyone else...but by the way you alone can't comprehend....welll.....that's more a comment on you than about me.

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