Maharg67 Posted June 4, 2024 Author Share Posted June 4, 2024 (edited) [3.3][18] GaiaArkdom0314, During Transformation and Trouble Inside the Barriers Elitist units fought on until defeated one by one, a few surrendering quite quickly to the SQuins led Gaiaseekers for the elitist fighters were not very well trained, equipped, supported or coordinated. Mostly they lacked combat experience that the Seekaplayers could all call upon in a way that they, themselves, did not really understand. Batmanbot had been replaced by SargeGAI (GAI as in General Armoured Infantry) who lead three CorpGAI (Corp for corporal) robots and nine PriveGAI ones as in privates. In truth all were amazing generalist specialists with multimodular functionality. See3pio had been superseded by Dronemasteris of a robotic drone spitting out smaller minidrones of different types be they assaulter, defender, engineer, medic, decoy or others. MrCarryon gave way to MsCarryon with the same amazing capacities of storage and yet others to be discovered. Stanley was replaced by Kongking, a cyborg pengorilla who could grow in size but still be heavy thanks to 'variable mass'. He could be his normal size weight, three times so or even nine times as much. Kongking hurled a block, of superconcrete, through the air and landed it where it did no harm not even to plant life. It was enough as the last unit of the Gaiatopian Heroes surrendered. As of that moment the fighting was over, at least officially, as most of the loyalists had previously surrendered including their erstwhile brave leaders. They were left dazed, it seemed, by the flashes of energy and the realisation of how the Palyelord had cheated them so deeply; that is by using their own greed, and arrogance, against them. Yet there had also been 'another' with them of more subtle existence and evil. The elitists had feared going anywhere near it where it seemed to lurk in the home chambers of the Palye. Former Major Adama Adams sat on a foldachair and sipped some coffee before speaking. "Do you know of the Deepvaults?" Shimmy shook her head. "We know that the keepers have vaults with the deepsleepers, and resources to go with them, that are now arising." Adama shook his head. "The Deepvaults are beneath those, hence the name, and the attack launched on the keepers, and the deepsleepers, was a diversionary move to divert attention away from the real mission that was to go there. 13 Deepvaults there are, officially, but more so unofficially. The Palyelord ignored the official ones of gold, silver and copper colour coding. Instead he led our taskforce to a bright red colour coded one. Even as most of us waited outside of its open vault doors, I do not know why they opened to the lord fiend, we could all sense something inside that was most disturbing and yet elusive; it was much like the 'thing' that remained in the homebase of the Palyefolk. When the Palye returned, the Palyelord was limping and at least half of the Palyefollowers were missing while three were badly wounded. In a heavy armoured carryrobot, on tracks, was what ever that they had found and managed to take with them. The vault doors slammed closed, and firmly locked, behind the Palye but that did not matter since none of us wished to go there, clearly not even the Palye. Soon after that the Palye vanished away with that and other stolen items." The former captain frowned. "They departed, in fear, as I overhead one fiendish follower whisper something of five sisters who were not truly sisters at all but something closer akin that that; you could be those five that are said to be unaware of what they truly are." Shimmy blushed. "Don't be so silly, we are just the SQuins!" Edited June 4, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 4, 2024 Author Share Posted June 4, 2024 (edited) [4.1][19] GaiaArkdom0314, The Museum of Questing Clues It was no longer just a 4SVR Scenario but something more deeply realistic and even real. The SQuins went into the big lobby with five others from the Seekaplayers. Lots of marble confronted the newcomers of polished elegance, one big reception counter of the same material, carefully arranged armchairs, flourishing green plants in big earthy plots, fancy blinking vending machines, of course mighty columns soaring up to the ceiling and a great, majestic, ceiling. Robots zipped around on single wheels, just avoiding each other at times while there were some customers there or so it seemed to be. They got to the lobby counter with K9herois staying close to Shimmy who had bought him a large bag of doggie snacks from a vending machine. Behind the counter, at the wall, was a sealed up display showing a tall, power armoured, rebel soldier from the Third Civil War of the UCC. Rebel Commonwealths had fought for greater freedom from Centropolis' increasingly autocratic demands and, in the end, they had won; or had that been true? The woman, behind the counter, was a very sophisticated android of a simuladroid. She wore a casual formal outfit attempting to express both friendly welcome and professionalism. Then she spoke. "Welcome visitors! The lobby is open and welcome but also a range of small shops, cafes and a hotel. Display Chamber #1 is also active. It is showing a permanent exhibit on the Twistler Tower Power Project, an attempt to gain great amounts of cheap electricity for comparatively little cost in resources." Sharry smiled. "You appear to be very busy!" The woman sighed. "With fake, android, customers for you are the only genuine ones here with us. From what our instruments tell us you are a heavily armoured-armed group." Sharry nodded. "We will follow security protocols tightly. What happened, there?" There was a cracked open hole in one wall being bordered off with an armoured barrier and both heavy security robots and androids of HTS status being Heavy Tactical Security. "Call me Gloria!" The woman smiled warmly. "We were hoping you would not notice. 'Something' broke through the wall and was driven back with the use of stun weaponry. After than an agreement was made. It remains in its 'hole in the wall' and the museum provides it with goodies of various kinds plus bonuses. The more liberal members, of the museum board, welcome the visitor even as a possible attraction but not the more conservative ones. The Phantom of the Museum has asked to meet with you, the SQuins, after it has completed its current nap. I do suggest the Rosie Cowgirls Cafe for it makes the most delicious, ever breakfast, pancakes and percolated coffee to go with them. K9herois can be served up with his newly obtained doggie snacks. Robots, and androids, can gain free service charging and we have synthetic serums for the androids." It was an impressive place and yet the hole in the wall was not the only indicator that more was going on than its general appearance suggested. Edited June 4, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 5, 2024 Author Share Posted June 5, 2024 (edited) [4.2][20] GaiaArkdom0314, The Museum of Questing Clues The Ghost of the Museum munched down on another stack of pancakes topped with vanilla icecream, fruity preserves, fresh cream and chocolate sauce. Its tentacles glowed with pale yellow white light as did the globular body at its center. Yet it could not be stated to be like an octopus. While digesting with one mouth it spoke with another. "The Museum Board members can be a bit tricky, especially the Chairperson who must look after special chairs or so I figure." Shazzy, a newly emerged counterpart to the SQuins, was curled up against the amazing creature that she was tuned to caring for and assisting as sleeping moogies were pressed against her. "A Chairperson sits on an important chair that gives him, or her, or it, important status as the Chairperson to carry out certain decisions and to wear a fancy robe." The Ghost in the Wall spoke eagerly. "Has a fancy rod, as well, that looks very flashy. She came and spoke with me, told me that I am welcome here and that I have her support. Chairperson Ashahari had that vending machine put in that costs me just in tokens that are dispensed freely by that other machine over there but only 100 a day. Water is dispensed free as is lovely, refreshing, air and food for my furry pet moogies with their cute little tentacles." Shevvy was there also as she tinkered with some old robots as taken from a dumping site by the GTW. She wore a pair of bib-braces overalls as did Shazzy. Shirry was sleeping curled up with a few moogies beneath a lovely, tough, quilt. Shonny was reading some tourist literature as published by the museum's public relations department. Last, of all, of the shortbod SMidgets, was Shurry quietly meditating in an special corner with moogies sleeping on her lap and against her. The SMidgets were half the size of the SQuins. Shazzy smiled. "Are there any display chambers not yet openly advertised by the museum board?" The GTW paused before responding. "One is soon to be completed being about GaiaArkdom0314 itself and the Grand Museum Lobby is always having new displays added. More pancakes, please, and then I am going to the toilet before I have a lovely bubble bath." Shazzy nodded. "I will join you in the bubble bath." So new, wonderful, plans were made. Edited June 5, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 5, 2024 Author Share Posted June 5, 2024 (edited) [4.3][21] GaiaArkdom0314, The Museum of Questing Clues The Twistler Tower Power Project, they had called it, looking somehow distorted and disturbing even as its spiral tower spun with out moving. At the one, and the same time, it looked as if it was going incredibly fast and yet was totally still. The truly ancient living gods had built it but then had abandoned the project; no, it was UCC elite humans who had managed to get past the security systems, left by the living gods, to activate the Twistler or so went the general story. Then the great, spiral, tower had somehow imploded in on itself. A great, bowl shaped, crater of glass smooth surface lay in the rockz landscape. The tower, surrounding structures, people, robots, androids and much else had simply vanished away. Over centuries the great bowl had filled slowly steadily with water from rainstorms that came to that area on an infrequent basis. Yet nothing lived close to, or in, the waters of the Great Craterlake though there had been increasingly frequent incidents taking place there over the last two centuries or so. The display was very impressive looking with a great, precise to scale, model of the project because everything had gone wrong and that had helped trigger Doomsday or was even that the truth? A holographic projection ran through the whole cycle of the disaster from when the UCC took over the site right through to the disaster and after with a great barrier wall surrounding it and keeping any visitors back away from it. The UCC was long gone but there were guardians who kept up the Great Ringwall and the mission that went with it. A big question was, where they there just to keep people from getting in or were they also trying to keep others from coming out? Sharry spoke to the other Seekaplayers with her. They had enjoyed a nice pancake, and coffee, type meal at the cafe or at least the living ones amongst them had done so. "Was there only one Doomsday or did Doomsday somehow reflect through time and space? The Sageprofessors, of the Ivorytowers Institute of Brilliant Thought, came up with an a series of extensive theorems on the topic." Sagesmart spoke. "Which turned out to be largely rubbish except for the work of the vaguely known of controversial Blondie13 and that of the renowned Sagen Radical Conservative Thinktank, the SRCT; the former was said to have stolen much of its best work from others, including the SRCT, before vanishing away with the UCC Federal Police after them." I have past life memories of being there as a sageprofessor of the SRCT being surrounded by young women seeking my favours; it is not one of my favourite memories as, yes, I did give into temptation." Shenny waggled her finger at him. "So you had then cook for you, clean up your chambers and do such for you." Sagesmart nodded profoundly. "Yes, you have me to rights, Shenny! I am truly wicked." Shenny snorted. "Along with more personal things?" Sagesmart nodded. "Yes, I had them model for me when I 3Dpainted nude portraits, to make more money for myself and the SRCT; the art was demure and the girls got well paid. Anything else I just might keep to myself." He blushed but only a little. K9herois spoke. "Something was deeply bad about that project even before the disaster! What happened to the poor victims?" Shimmy sighed. "Nobody seems to know! The Great Craterlake is not very far from the Craterzone being only about 500 or so kilometres away from it." Shotty said, "I thought those craters were caused by disintegration weapons." Shully finished off. "That is but one theory on how they came to be!" Edited June 5, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 5, 2024 Author Share Posted June 5, 2024 (edited) [4.4][22] GaiaArkdom0314, The Museum of Questing Clues The SQuins reported the existence, of the SMidgets, to the others but did not know how the newcomers had come to arise into existence but did know it was important that they now be there. So the SQuins, Gavag, K9herois, Sagesmart, Gunslingerjo and Robogirlie departed back to their changing homebase. The MQC Grand Lobby was evolving, expanding, slowly-steadily and now three new display chambers were emerging but the SMidgets should be able to investigate those. After the SQuins, and other Seekaplayers, were gone a strange shivering went through the MQC. Soon after that the SMidgets learned that the museum board members, along with their aids and bodyguards, had all vanished from their main meeting chamber with out a trace. Edited June 5, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 5, 2024 Author Share Posted June 5, 2024 (edited) [5.1][23] Based in Seekabaseship Secured the Seekateam and new Gaiateam Sharry checked a page as given over by the Order Compassionate. "From the Journals Compassionate! The Craterzone craters were created by unexplained phenomena that took place, seemingly, at almost the same moment as the self destruction of the Twistler Tower; that is except that the smaller craters happened before the formation of the Great Craterlake." Shenny picked up on her second page. "From the Journals Compassionate! In Centropolis is noted to be a small, mysterious, establishment known as the Museum of Questing Clues. It has been said to have existed for centuries, to never remain in one location for very long and to be linked with a series of disappearances; that is of small landmarks, people, robots, androids, animals and even plants." Shimmy. "Input from our own group! K9herois is proving to be a trimorpher of a wolfdog, agile climbing wolfdog humanoid and a human. Trimorphers were said to have been created by the living gods to serve them in a wide range of capacities. It appears that Stanley can be a more standard gorilla, a low flying gorilla and an amphibious one with gills augmenting his lungs full of air." Shotty: "From the Journals Compassionate! The last page, here, speaks of a darkly whispered of GaiaArkdom0999 being one of no code that we previously knew of. That is GA0134, GA0221, GA0543, GA0567 and GA0777. The stories speak of dark experimentation gone wrong, of twisted survivors and much else of the same. Terms that keeps coming are the 13Ingengni13, the Palyedomnis, the Illuminatia, the Teknacorp, the Ordershood and even we Gaiaregainers as we are supposed to be. We need to speak to the Mother Compassionate again about these 'clippings' that she gave us." Shully: "Trouble is she claims that, as far as she knows, the envelope that she passed to us SQuins only had some newspaper clippings in it from various Craterzone publications. Somehow the contents, of the envelope, was switched between the time she sealed it up and we opened it later." Edited June 6, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 6, 2024 Author Share Posted June 6, 2024 (edited) Note: edited previous post by adding 'Journals Compassionate'. [5.2][24] Based in Seekabaseship Secured the Seekateam and new Gaiateam The SQuins had met, in a metaphysical sense, to discuss the 'pages' in what they had previously thought of as one session. To the list of concerns brought up by that meeting they added those of the GA0314 Deepvaults and the Keepers caring for the deepsleepers who were slowly-steadily leaving their capsules. A new settlement, Gaiahope, was the first of the Gaiatowns to be created. Rural, semirural and urban areas were expanding along with manoid protectorates and nature reserves. The old elites had broken down, the idea of Gaiatopia gone with them. Yet more refugees were arriving from outside as brought by mysterious means as linked to the yellow white energies. Information on the Palye Intruders had turned out to be disappointingly scant at first until witnesses, amongst the traitors, reluctantly forward to testify so as to improve their sentences. The Palye had been greatly disturbed by, even fearful of, those celestial energies though their impact seemed to be deliberately restrained. At last the first HOCT Maze Game was declared to start soon. The SQuins could select a team but would need approval by the Doomsgamesystem, as it was now called. The Seekateam was declared to officially have new patrons, benefactors, to support them now being named as the Celestiagamers. The SQuins decided that they needed more people as in living humanoids, androids, robots and elementals along with others that could assist including trimorphers. They also decided that they needed to go and check out the GA0314 Deepvaults. Edited June 6, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 6, 2024 Author Share Posted June 6, 2024 (edited) [5.3][25] Based in Seekabaseship Secured the Seekateam and new Gaiateam Getting to the deepvaults was easy enough but when they got to the massive vault chamber there was trouble brewing. Huge vault doors dotted the wall being in turn one golden, three silvery and nine coppery except that this was just colour coding as they were made up of supersteel armouring. There were 27 vault doors in the wall opposite that one being nine grey, nine brown and nine green in colour coding. To one side was the red vault door along with two amber ones and three orange ones. Opposite those were six purple doored vaults. The red vault door, in that place, had not been the one that the Palyelord had managed to open perhaps with assistance. The delegation was led by a rather pompous fat man, of a citizens council politician, in a fairly fancy looking hoodrobe of office. Shimmy, and Shotty, the SQuins there walked right past the delegation and stopped before the golden vault door. K9herois was there as a human, being clearly uncomfortable in clothes. Le'Nerd was also there in his multiple pouch dotted coveralls. Then there was TechiSue, the android and MsCarryon the robot. Others were there, also, but not visibly so. Shimmy examined the control panel-console embedded into the door as did TechiSue and Le'Nerd. TechiSue spoke out as a robotic humanoid. "Standard high security interface with keypad, keyboard, audiovisual capacities plus scan-sensor abilities. Hacking can be done but will be difficult and could easily backfire." The golden vault door slid quickly, quietly, open. TechiSue sighed. "On the other hand, that could happen!" The newcomers went through the doorway and the vault door slid back into place behind them. There was a large, rather bland, security airlock and a second heavy duty door that easily opened for them. Beyond that was a larger chamber full of hitech treasures. Holographic projectors, 4Dprinters, sophisticated simuladroids, material divisionators, smart robots, multiguns, medibeds, deepsleep capsules, small antigrav lifters, rejuvenation regeneration vats and so much else was there of hihitech items. Then, with a flash of yellow white energies, it was gone and was transferred to the Seekabaseship. At once it all began the process of respawning as it the items being replaced by exact duplicates. The respawning began, in areas filled with safety energy fields, looking like very see through holographic projections getting more solid appearing. Revealed was another, golden, vault door that again opened easily for the group. Edited June 6, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 6, 2024 Author Share Posted June 6, 2024 (edited) [5.4][26] Based in Seekabaseship Secured the Seekateam and new Gaiateam About an hour, after they had gone through the first golden vault door, the group came out again but less happily so. K9herois was limping a little. A whiff of smoke rose from Shimmy's normally perfect blonde hair. TechiSue was carrying a broken, burned out, hitech device that she had spent a good deal of time and energy making. Le'Nerd was clutching his left arm with a grim look on his face. MsCarryon was slightly dented in places. Shotty kept on sighing every so often. Keeper Jack Jackson came to them in his hoodrobe. "What happened?" Shotty frowned and recounted the events until the inner golden door opened to make them welcome into the next space. "Soon after we went through, the third golden vault door, it closed and became locked behind us. We found ourselves in a very well designed ambush scenario. Mines, turrets, robots, more turrets, drop traps, yet more turrets, collapsing walls, midget androids, until we were being driven into what seemed to be a central trap zone. Then everything stopped, the danger vanished away, and we stopped wiping out attacking mechanisms." Elegantly tall Jack Jackson spoke. "Did you hear any adolescent laughter of an annoying pitch either female or male or both?" Shimmy nodded, with a frown. "Yes, we, did!" Jackson shook his head in wonder. "Computeens were at play, by the sounds of it, until Compuadults put an end to their antics. Most likely it was the Compuplaytwins who somehow got into the golden vault and decided to have some fun. As for the items in the silvery, and coppery, vaults they seem to have vanished away to be in your base. All items are respawning." Shotty tried to smile and even managed a small amount of sweetness. "All future respawned items will be going to the peoples of the GaiaArkdom. We SQuins would like to have a word with these Compuplaytwins that you mentioned. What happened to the citizens' delegation." Jackson shrugged. "They realised that they were not getting anywhere and went home. A few stungun warning shots inspired them to go faster. It was a cheap political stunt by a populist politician, and his cronies, who had no business coming here as they did." The Seekaplayers went home! Edited June 6, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maharg67 Posted June 6, 2024 Author Share Posted June 6, 2024 (edited) [5.5][27] Based in Seekabaseship Secured the Seekateam and new Gaiateam It had not been the Compuplaytwins who had created the trap for the Seekaplayers; the Computeen siblings did not have either that level of skill or malice and neither could they access enough resources. Jackson had pointed them out, it seemed, because the pair had been annoying the keepers lately, especially those taking care of the deepvaults. The Compuplaytwins joined in with the Compubabies who adored the pair and were soon entertaining the smaller ones by created, and running, games for them. Babbat, the female, and Bob the male, were very wary of Jack Jackson. Babbat hovered in the air in her large globular device and spoke. "It is said that Jackson had too much to do with the Palyelord and that the keeper might have assisted the tall, pale, one to get into the red doored deepvault. Jackson has been demoted, after his own people investigated him, or so our family elders say. We gave witness against Jackson, stating that we saw him being sneaky with the Palyelord not once but four times." Bobbot bobbled in the air with excitement. "We took audiovisuals of the meetings but could not pick up any spoken words clearly as if somehow the pickups were being interfered with." Sharry spoke to the pair. "We did not think that you were the culprits as Shimmy, and Shotty, picked up falsehood in the charmingly empty man. Question is, who could it have been?" Babbat frowned through her transparent face visor. "The Computebrainies are smarter than we are but not interested in such as gun mazes. The Teenshangs only do things for their own silly gang. Of all those we know who could carry out such a scheme only the Compubests might have the resources and are nasty enough to want to ambush somebody. I did not think that they would be foolish enough to set a trap for you Seekaplayers." Sharry sighed softly. "We SQuins will have another word with Jack Jackson." Word soon came that Jack Jackson had been found dead, after being brutally killed by an unknown attacker, close to the deepvaults. Edited June 6, 2024 by Maharg67 To show that this story has been edited from the start. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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