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[8.6][38] During Seekateam Gaiaseekers Refresh or even Rebirth!? 🙆‍♀️💪👁️

Chairperson Ashahari had vanished away but the four other museum board members were found dead, and looted of valuables, in a secondary museum storeroom. The newly established Little Museum Town Sheriff's Department investigated but very quickly came to a dead end. The looters were discovered to be local petty criminals who had not done the killing for clearly that had been carried out by one, or more, professional, experienced, shooters.

Both Palyelords, and their Palyefollowers, had also managed to disappear.

The Phantom of the Museum had become very popular with museum staff, volunteers and visitors so became an honorary member of the board of directors with a lifetime allowance in tokens and gifts.

The XARISA people formed an agreement, with the Seekateam, and moved into the Seekabaseship; part of it became the XARISA Homebase. It was to turn out to be a very good decision, for more than one reason, that benefited both parties.

Not that everything became fine for refugees continued to arrive in slowly steadily increasing numbers though the production of resources managed to more than keep pace with the growing population.

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[8.7][39] During Seekateam Gaiaseekers Refresh or even Rebirth!? ❤️‍🩹💝💘

GaiaArkdom0314 ceased to exist as it became Gaiamary that continued to evolve from the original GA0314. It became more secure, more secluded from the desolation of the subcontinent but refugees continued to flow into the slowly-steadily expanding Freezone.

Sharry, Shimmy and Shurry came into the great, deepvault, chamber where the golden, silvery and coppery vaults were once more respawning full of items. With them were Gavag, K9herois, SargeGAI with some of his own and the elemental Fireini. The SQuins had been perfecting the way they selected those who went with any taskteam to best suit its purpose.

An arrogant, aggressive, armed group of righteous citizens had come marching from Freetown with the populist politician Harold Forthright at its head. He held a pump-action shotgun in a fashion that showed he was not used to holding, let alone using, guns. He was ranting, and raving, to the converted. "The grey, green and brown deepvaults have yet to be opened and where will the stealing ones take the citizens' riches to and why? We do not even know what is in those deepvaults."

Sharry spoke out, in her Gaiaregainer gear. "Grey for basic processed construction materials; brown for agricultural soil creation; green for agricultural greenery. The contents have already gone to Little Museum Town but when all is respawned, it will go to the Freezone Farmlands. Jack Jackson chased you off, didn't he, Harold Forthright?"

The big, broad shouldered, rather fat man wiped sweat from his face. "That dead man didn't have the courage to do any such thing. Keepers did, yes, but higher ranked ones than he with a whole lot of their minions. They had stunguns but now we have guns as well."

Sharry frowned through her helmet visor. "We have guns but, more importantly, armour that is immune to your guns. What reason are you really here for, Harold the man who barely got a position in the new Freezone Tricouncil after attempting to bribe voters with small wads of cash and minor luxury gifts? Jack Jackson has turned out to be linked to organised petty crime, a surprisingly profitable venture if run efficiently. Whispers are that you, and here, were partners in the black market what with the growing need to ration some goods. There is also the secret market of illegal items."

The man scowled. "We, the Freetown Citizens, have the right to make a claim on what lies in those other deepvaults be they red, amber, orange or purple."

Sharry shook her head. "No, you do not! Yellow means dangerous, orange more so and red even more so. Those vaults are now empty, the contents having been sent to a safer location. They will not respawn! The purple coded deepvaults have yet to unlock and none seem to know how to get them open. Go away before we stun drop you."

For a moment it seemed that the Freetowners might cause trouble but the SQuins did their 'magic' again so that soon they were leaving though with much ill grace.

Shimmy laughed softly. "Shall we now take a look in the purple coded deepvaults that none seem to know how to open?"

Sharry nodded. "Yes, that would be a smart move after we got the advise that we should do so as soon as possible."

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[8.8][40] During Seekateam Gaiaseekers Refresh or even Rebirth!? 🤠🤡🦷

Purple Deepvault #1 led to 10 display bays, as was to be expected, but in each was an incredibly, almost impossible, distorted object; one had been an atomic powered hovercar, a second a tracked mining robot, then there was a tracked tractor that might have had a tractor beamer, a superconcrete statue had taken on a quality of surrealistic art, a humanoid battle robot not quite humanoid anymore, skeletal remains in power armour or so the guess went but then four ones unable to be identified at that time. Their fate was linked to Doomsday, somehow, but no real specific information was given.

Everything there vanished away with a sparkling shimmer to go to somewhere in the Seekabaseship. This would happen as they were finished looking at each vault.

Purple Deepvault #2 held 10 devices of most curious nature being very heavily armoured robots equipped with what looked like very refined sophisticated, specialised, scientific instruments. They were identical to one another. They appeared to be connected with dangerous scientific field work of some kind perhaps to do with physics experimentation.

Purple Deepvault #3 had 10 bodycapsule mechanisms and in each a curious humanoid shape.

Purple Deepvault #4 had 10, large, armoured cubecanisters somehow linked to the 10 bodycapsule mechanisms and their contents.

Purple Deepvault #5 had another 10 cubecanisters, identical in appearance to those of Purple Deepvault #4 but in this case promising to hold compressed data libraries of useful to extremely important information.

Purple Deepvault #6 had 10 Enhancement Bodycapsule Mechanisms just as exotic seeming as those of Purple Deepvault #3 but these were empty and were more vertically positioned.

None of the items would respawn and those vaults would end up being used to store more common type items as would happen with the red, orange and yellow vaults that also did not respawn their contents.

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[8.9][41] During Seekateam Gaiaseekers Refresh or even Rebirth!? 👰‍♀️🙋‍♂️🧜‍♀️

The XARISA people were establishing a new archives that was as much museum, gallery and other facets as it was for filing away data in different forms. The 10 twisted forms were now in their own gallery chamber being each on a slowly revolving disk platform. Deep scans, sensor readings and ultrasonic probes had proven that the distortion was even deeper, more intricate, than the eyes first picked up.

Were the objects victims of Doomsday? There had been plenty of stories of the finding of such in the centuries following Doomsday; a few had been 'unstable' and had been been locked away, or even destroyed, because of it.

The scientific robots, of heavy armoured protection, were put to one side except for one chosen for careful study. TechiSue delighted in studying that machine that she spoke of as being of amazingly refined, and sophisticated, manufacture.

The bodycapsules, holding the curious humanoids that were identical looking to one another, were very technologically advanced status ones; it was decided that much homework had to be done before it came to touching them. The armoured cubecanisters, linked to them, were also left alone for the moment.

The other 10 cubecanisters were opened up by XARISA Agents and Seekateamers as the sorting of their contents began. Excitement broke out as it was realised that CC #1 was about the Palye, #2 was about the Gaiaregainers, #3 focused on the Seekateam, #4 was about XARISA, #5 centered on Doomsday and the rest were miscellaneous. The XARISA people had lost much of their own history and were pleased at what they found in that cubecanister. All of it was helpful but that is all that it could be classified as for the moment.

As for the 10 Enhancement Bodycapsule Mechanisms, the EBMs, they were approached with caution.

The SQuins found themselves both drawn to, and repelled by, the exotic humanoids though they felt no threat from them. No, what they deepsensed was a disturbing familiarity about them that was like, for them, looking into a trick mirror reflecting an obscure side of their own nature.

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[9.1][42] Freezone Civil War Not So Civil 👉👨‍🚒👮‍♀️

Howitzers spun their triple barrels as they pummeled the rebel encampments. Except that the 'rebels' were a mixture of infiltrators, many of them being doppelgangers, and traitors. The Freezone Militia was hitting them with the hover platform carrying howitzers hurling rocket shells while SargeGAI was with his squad blazing away with their chainguns. Three TechiGAIs, three MechiGAIs and three SparkiGAIs now serve supported the fighting RobotGAIs. If they had to do so they could fight with smaller chainguns than the standard GAI ones.

An explosion ripped up the ground not far away but no more happened. The enemy had learned, the hard way, to shoot and then move before doing so again.

The rebellion had been well planned, its fighters of good quality and equipment, but the Freezone Government had known about what was going to happen and had been prepared for it.

A jumpjet shot overhead, zigzagging, being followed by the rest of the formation of five machines. They launched missiles even as they split and curved away, sharply, in different directions.

Shenny appeared seemingly from nowhere, casually dragging along a captured high ranking enemy officer behind herself. He looked both bigger, and heavier, than her but she seemed to have no trouble with him at all. Freezone Militiamen were surprised until they realised who they were dealing with.

Shenny sighed, as if a little bored. "Major Talison XXI of the Zocyborger Legionary Infiltration Units. Moderate armoured, and armed, when compared to the non disguised type of zocyborgers of Legionaries, Marines and other types. Not to be confused with slimmer, lighter, cyborgmans who are the cannon fodder of the Zocyborger Empire. A mercenary anticivilisation is what most class them as being. They often serve, through contracts, the Palyeking of the Palyecourt of the Palyedom of their form of empire."

She frowned softly. "The Palye are becoming most bothersome."

Talison groaned pitifully and then spoke. "What hit me? Was it a great tumbling boulder, a charging rhinosaurus, or just a massive battle robot?"

Shenny sighed. "No, I hit you, silly man! You were being so very foolish when all I wanted you to do is to surrender unconditionally. Oh, I have deactivated all of your systems including your hidden tricks. Now, I am sure we can find a way to pay off your contract after we work matters out with the ones who hired you. I suppose it was the Palye."

Talison shook his head and choked off a laugh. "The Palye are scattered and in hiding. The GreatEnemy has turned upon them though one will not even bother to guess why; it always betrays, sooner or later, those who attempt to serve it. No it was the Gloryplayers, another team of the Doomsworldgames, that took out the contract to test you and your allies or at least that is what we were told. Since the Palyedom was splintered, we zocyborgers have lost their generously paid contract work but despite that I think that our high command was foolish in taking this contract on. This place is having an odd influence on my thinking. I am starting to question my programming conditioning in ways I would have once thought impossible."

Then he fell asleep as if to escape any more uncomfortable, errant, thoughts.

Shenny frowned and spoke to the Militiamen there. "Somebody paid a great deal for that zocyborgor contract but that does not explain the doppelgangers, the androids or the human mercenaries who were probably cheaper at cost." She shrugged. "We will gain the truth soon enough for somehow I doubt it would be another team who would be foolish enough to break the Doomsworldgames Rules so deeply."

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[9.2][43] Freezone Civil War Not So Civil 🤢🤮😄

In battle buggies, moderately armoured and heavily armed, the Gaiaseekers Squad blasted away with three barrelled chainguns, semiautomatic missile launcherguns and spinlaserguns even as they shot into the small community. False rebels ran away or fell before the withering firepower, the dying becoming dead doppelgangers of former mind slaves. The zocyborgers had vanished away, for unexplained reasons, along with other mercenaries.

Then came the flash of yellow, white, energies through out the area.

Doppelgangers became free from slavery, often alive once more, and only to happy to tell of how they had been betrayed by the GreatManipulator that, like the GreatDevourer, was another aspect of the GreatEnemy. They were willing to fight so as to prove themselves as worthy to be Freezone Citizens.

Fighting was still going on but it was against entities that the yellow white energies seemed to have less effect against. Still, they were burned anyway, often being swept away into oblivion. Shadowlings flittered through underground ways of a surprise discovery of the remains of an ancient templecity of the Shaztec Empire of albino like humans. Such places stank, in a spiritual psychic sense, of fading evil.

Three SQuins led five other Gaiaseekers through the maze, made more so by damage than by deliberate design, of the twisted temple remains. Rebelling slaves, and poverty stricken working folks, had ransacked such places supported by a surprising range of other Shaztecs from other classes and castes. They lasered the shadowlings, and fewer more dangerous shadowtasms, with UVELGs (ultraviolet enhanced laserguns), burning them away. The entities screamed out in agony and rage but also in surprising gladness as if pleased to be no longer trapped in that terrible state of being.

Zocyborgers had used shaped explosive charges to blast open holes in thick stone walls. Clearly they had been looking for something and they had found it in the form of 'something' of putrid evil having been taken from a broken open chamber. Shully read the strange language on the walls and noted that they were Shaztec Priestly warnings against interfering with what had been trapped in that place along with wards of long faded out power.

There were signs of a terrible fight having taken place including two dead zocyborgers looted hurriedly of useful tech. Those were obvious zocyborgers having more armour, and arms, than those that were infiltrators so it proved that what ever they had fought was truly powerful.

The fighting kept up with reinforcements coming armed with handflamers and a few more UVELGs. Militiamen were backed up by new type Gaiamary Militiaguards who brought with themselves the lasers.

Zocyborgers had been involved in some kind of plot but how many of them had been? It was to turn out that only a small minority were part of a plan of betrayal that had them departing with a special carryrobot filled with the evil abducted from that place. They also stole a large amount of valuable zocyborger resources.

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[9.3][44] Freezone Civil War Not So Civil 🥱😫🥰

Talison was angry as he marched up and down part of the new Gaiamary Zocyborger Command Chamber. True the Zocyborgers had gained a very large contract with the Gaiamary Government in the process of still being formed. True, also, that it had come with generous resources support and a new homeland for his people who had, he had admitted, also been attacked by the GreatEnemy but through the GreatDestructor. Having their own, strong, sense of honour backed up by much pride, the Zocyborgers had prepared to go to the rescue of the Palyedom. They had, instead, been surprise attacked by an armada of war starships and millions of supersoldiers, battlerobots and more than that.

The cyborgmans had rebelled against the Zocyborger Empire, with good reason, but there had been zocyborger traitors even amongst the highest command elites that had undermined zocyborger military intelligence and early warning systems of the three homeworlds. Now the surviving zocyborgers were fleeing to Gaiamary and bringing the remaining cyborgmans with them along with plenty of others.

The Shaztec Templecity remains had been cleaned out and then set up, carefully, to be studied by scientists under armed protection. The search had begun for other such ruins but so far only one, underground, village had been found once inhabited only by common Shaztecs; there was never anything evil about such places.

Talison halted, in a most impressive military manner in his informal, lightly armoured, uniform. "We Zocyborgers drove back the attackers, with the help of the heavily bribed cyborgmans, but our homeworlds were destroyed. They had already been devastated by a series of attacks by understandably angry enemies we had made through our past contract work. How naive we Zocyborgers have been in thinking that we could separate our so called private existence from our professional one and that even our victims would respect that distinction."

Shenny nodded. "That is quite a common delusion, amongst professionals, as pointed out by the statement 'nothing personal'. Have you learned much about the traitors amongst your people?"

"Stratus Marshal Canddaris Victorfast led the treachery having been under investigation for some years by the Zocyborger Military Justice Ministry. Only his being a member of an elite command family stalled his justified course case from going ahead." Talison shrugged. "He was said to be linked with some kind of dark, militaristic, cult known as the Zobladers who believed that we Zocyborgers should rule instead of serving others through mercenary contracts; a foolish dream as we have had trouble enough ruling ourselves let alone in attempting to do the same for others. The Zobladers considered that the following of Zocyborger Protocols, such as keeping collateral damage to a minimum, was making our people weak."

Shenny would have replied except word came that more fighting had broken out but in a surprising part of Gaiamary.

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Note: In the past 'Shully' has been mistakenly called Shurry; this is being fixed.

[9.3][44] Freezone Civil War Not So Civil 🥵👩‍🦰👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

The traitors were pushed back into the area where workers had been based when GaiaArkdom0314 had been created where they made a determined push to get out of Gaiamary. This was expected but the surprise was that there was an early prototype there of GA0314 itself but it had been largely destroyed in a most disturbing manner.

A black stain lay over superconcrete surfaces, deeply tarnishing it and pitting its surface even though it was slowly fading away. Captured rebels confessed that they were following the path of a rogue Palyelord but also a treacherous Zocyborger Commander. Both were smuggling out aspects of the 'blackness of evil' that had somehow been drawn into GA0314 as it had been constructed. The question was, why?

As shooting echoed through concrete ways, a Gaiaseeker Squad reached the 'burned zone' and there Sharry pointed to broken remnants of Shaztec stonework covered with cursed picture word symbols.  "There was another entity, of evil, here that was disturbed and that must have struck out at the Gaiaregainers working on this early, smaller, prototype of GaiaArkdom314. That evil is gone, at least one can't deepsense its presence. Question is, was any of this accidental or was there a conspiracy, from the start, to capture such evil entities that were linked to the Shaztecs?"

"Did the Gaiaregainers capture the evil here only to lock it up in that red doored vault that the Palyelord rogue managed to get hold of at such high cost? Did Jack Jackson help the rogue lord get into that vault? We need to see if any other keepers were involved in any scheme going back, it seems, for centuries."

Gavag frowned. "Perhaps some of the deepsleepers were involved in this conspiracy. The conspiracy seems most clumsily planned."

Sharry responded. "Yes, that is a good idea! Doomsday took the Gaiaregainers by surprise so why not the conspirators as well?"

The Rainbowisit suddenly floated there and from it issued a voice that seemed to come from many directions at once. "Doomsday was, is, will be more than one Doomsday until all of it is finally resolved. Doomsday destroyed the Shaztec Empire as it created the Craterzone even as it smashed the United Commonwealths of Centralia and so much else. Doomsday created the Doomsworld that caused Doomsday to happen. All is linked to the ancient, mysterious, living gods as so much else is including you as the SQuins who are more than just the SQuins. The Doomsworldgames are both a means to help discover the solution to this madness and to help divert the GreatEnemy from stopping attempts to find that solution."

"From the very start you, and those with you, have been carrying out important work even if you did not know it, at least not consciously."

"It is time for Gaiamary to be finally cleansed and to become fully what it must be as part of turning Doomsworld into a true, natural, thriving world. As for the 'conspiracy' that you spoke of, its clumsiness was both the result of Doomsday and of the chaotic nature of the GreatEnemy itself. This has all been planned but not by the GreatEnemy."

When the next flash of energies came it was of green, white, yellow and other colouration being far more powerful than any other such incident that the Seekateam had any memory of encountering before.

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[10.1][45] Forward to the Past Mission #1 🤣😾🐅

The SQuins darted along the smaller, prototype, GaiaArkdom0314 while already knowing that it was doomed. The 'blackness', as linked to the GreatEnemy, was seeping up out of Shaztec ruins of a templecity of primary importance. There the Shaztec religious elites had dared to try to manipulate the GreatEnemy through a false worship and had, of course, failed miserably. Robots drove past them, at full hilt, taking salvaged equipment and supplies with them, including themselves. Emergency suited employees, often advanced clones or smarter androids, did the same in compact vehicles.

As alarms continued to shriek, gunfire echoed through the superconcrete ways, along with the sounds of lasers and small explosions. HTS, Heavy Tactical Security, was trying to slow the onslaught of the blackness while backed up by heavy security robots and androids in adapted power armour. Then there was the odd 'whooshing' sound of handflamers being used.

In Gaiaregainer power armour the SQuins held powerful UVELGs that they deployed against any 'slithering, absorbing' blackness that they came upon. It withered away, as they did so, but they knew it would return after they had moved on though this time more slowly. They were trying to give those escaping more time to do so but were heading towards the fusion generators at the hard core of that place.

Shadowlings came racing at them and were flashed away, out of existence, in seconds.

They rushed past a vending machine that kept spitting out bottles of cold AtomicCola and picked up a few on the way; the basic vending machine computer had already burned out even as it had started emptying the machine's contents out onto the superconcrete floor.

Ignoring the deathtraps, of the elevators, they made their way down a spiral rampway designed for the use of humanoids, of all types, but also wheeled mechanisms including robots. Robots were still rushing up them, being dumb remoterobots, but others had been caught and destroyed being covered with slimy blackness.

Then they were sliding down a series of special, very wide, chuteways and were soon entering the core zone. The very heavily armoured generator section doors opened easily for them and then slid back closed, becoming again firmly locked. That was only the first of three such doors that had so far held back an unnamed aspect of the GreatEnemy itself.

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[10.2][46] Forward to the Past Mission #1 🥸😎🤓

Experimental prototype energy generators, three of the strangely designed and bulky mechanisms, were somehow disturbing to the SQuins. Three SQuins went to the three generators and carefully opened heavily secured inspection hatches. Digital interfaces were shown including 3Dscreens and keypads. They fed in security codes that they knew though they did not remember how they had come to have that information. They were soon sending instructions into the generator systems and then were entering another set of high security codes.

A secondary hatch opened on each machine exposing each time a round hole. From MTDIs, Multitransdimensional Inventories, each of the three SQuins materialised a transparent, yellow white glowing cylinder that they thrust into the recess in front of them. They sealed up those secondary hatches and, returning to the consoles, fed in more instructions.

The exotic power generators each hummed and trembled with both becoming increasingly more intense.

Emergency vents opened up in each machine and from it shot softly glowing yellow white mist. That mist filled the chamber as a partly physical, partly energy, form and then the generators were quietly humming with only some soft trembling at times.

Strange to think that the yellow white glowing mist used to be of the blackness captured in a foolish attempt to make it generate electricity. From then on the generators would serve the greater GaiaArkdom, that would become Gaiamary, in the future. For now the Lightling Mist entity would remain in that place getting water from large tanks and food, drink, from vending machines; both would continue to respawn so as to top themselves up.

Those SQuins would remain there until the future caught up with them! They would keep the new entity company and be there to care for, educate and even entertain it. Of course the entity would fall in love with them, in its own fashion, but that was only to be expected.

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