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Enable patch


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This issue is from Heavy Armory and it says that I need a patch for CCOR (Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered.) It also says that the patch is located in the Heavy Armory installer. I can't find a patch in the description of either of their pages on Nexus. How do I find it in the installer?

Screenshot 2024-05-30 183844.png

Edited by Blinkybubs
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4 minutes ago, TurntLogic said:

The main download is the FOMOD installer. Reinstall Heavy Armory and select the necessary patches.

↑ THAT ↑ 

If it's this Heavy Armory, then the main download file includes the patch already.  Reinstalling it should launch its FOMOD installer, which should walk you installing any patches it has. 

And if you save your downloaded zip/rar/7z/etc install files like I do, then you won't even have to re-download it.


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Did you also enable the patch in your load order -- probably somewhere after the mods it's patching?

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Try going to the plugins for Vortex, and filter them so only 'Disabled' ones show up.  Look and see if your patch shows there.  Alternately, you can enter the mod name in the 'Mod' filter at the top of the plugins page.

Sometimes, the LOOT information about patches is incorrect or out of date, check the CCOR page for patches, as well.

Scrolling through the HA file contents, your patch should have the name "PrvtI_HeavyArmory_WACCF_Patch.esp", and have an associated .ini ( HA_CCOR_FLM.ini ) with it.  Check to see if you have them.  If all else fails, you might have to extract those and place them in Vortex manually.

BTW - CCOR requires WACCF ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18994 ).  You do have it installed and enabled, yes?  If not, then you should also be seeing a missing master warning for this, and this could explain why you are not getting the CCOR patch option.

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