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Oberland Station - Screenshots of my build


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I love taken screenshots and time to time share some and I done that for 25 years I guess.  😉

How do I defend this build? I am not a purist for sure? The sole survivor did live in a proper house in Sanctuary, and they are mid class lawyers and do remember clearly how things did look like back then and they made drawings for the settlers how they should build their settlements and this is the result. I do hope they might inspire some builders? Who knows?  😉  I have done it in a couple of settlements now, so I can show of more later on I guess, if anyone wants to see them that is. I do think it is possible later to export a blueprint of this one. The other settlements are edited with CK, except one more, so ...  😕  I guess not.

Mods used? Well basically: SS2. Homemaker and Sanctuary Parts in case someone wonders.






Edited by Pellape
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