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E for activation


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I'm having an issue with 'e' which is my activation key. When I approach my target I get the pulsing cursor thing. Its been a long time but iirc it is the grabby cursor. Scroll lock, num lock and caps lock are off, saves aren't cuorrupt, settings are loaded properly, how do I deselect that cursor? (Alt+Tabx2 not working.) Cursor shows positive on everything else. Pic is the start of an alternate start mod which has worked 5 times consistently during playtesting. It doesn't capture the cursor, I just noticed...


Edited by Blinkybubs
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Does hitting E in this state still work?  If I remember right, that cursor is "interacting", not necessarily "grabby".

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E does not activate properly. I reset the controls, set them back again, reuploaded the mod just to see if that was the issue and there is no other result than this. The mod worked fine 5 times in a row while testing and the cursor had no issue so I'm unsure of what to do as I'm locked in this chamber to start with.

Btw, the cursor is interacting with the cell door and the bed but without activating the statue I can not learn my fate. (The sneak cursor activates properly as well.)

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Update is when I start a game I can't interact with anything and saves are corrupted. Then if I restart the game and reload the corrupted save it doesn't show as corrupted and I can interact with things properly. I can load in, and interact with the world. I can't rotate locks though, picks work fine as does mcm but skyui and skyrim configuration is showing errors. Then I load in again and the skyui and skyrim configuration works properly. Is this a known issue or something? and how shall I proceed? 

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Not a known issue I'm aware of.  Do you have your load order and "install"/overwrite order posted somewhere?  Or any updates or changes (to the game, to your mods or their setup, to Windows, to your antivirus) since it was last working OK?

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Well, you can find your plugins.txt file, and copy it from there.  But beyond that, I'm not sure; I've never used Vortex.  (Been using Mod Organizer with my Bethesda games for more than a decade.)

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Try C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\skyrimse\profiles.  Look for the most recently used profile, if you have more than one.  There are two .txt files in mine, a loadorder.txt, and a plugins.txt.  The loadorder.txt seems to be aligned with the load order in my Vortex plugins tab.  I say 'seems', because I didn't check my 1500+ mod list line by line...

Edited by 7531Leonidas
correcting directory notation
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C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\downloads\skyrimse is full of compressed archives. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data has all the abbreviated esp. (s) Are either of these what you are requesting?

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