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My game has started crashing.


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Hello fellow Vault Dwellers.

I have a problem. Has anyone's game started to randomly crash all of a sudden? I've done the following to see if it fixed it. I Verified the game files, made sure every mod is up to date, uninstalled new mods to see if they were the problem and now I am uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Id there anything else that I can do? 

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The game do crash more and  more, the more you play and the more memory you use. It is not as stable as Skyrim SE is as one example. If you use the latest version, you can always roll it back to 163 but that one crash time to time as  well. I am at my 5th play-trough right now and the first 24h I usually do not have any crashes, but they will come , and increase, sooner or later 😄

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Do you have weapon debris enabled? I mean I read somewhere that this is still a problem with Nvidia cards. Even with the next gen update. Other than that a (modded) Fallout 4 is not the most stable game in the world and to find the caus(es) for crashes can be the search for the needle in the haystack.

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5 hours ago, tomanytomorrows said:

Is this after the update or did it happen before the update?

It just started yesterday. I might have installed the downgrader wrong.

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There is no such thing as a random crash.   

There is a common element, you just have to find it.   That can be anywhere between easy and pulling your teeth out with no pain killers depending on the crash and your skillset.

Worst crash I had tracking down took nearly a week, and most of that was my fault for "presuming" the crash was caused by "X" type of mods - so I ignored checking the actual culprit.

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That isn't really a solution though.

Ex.   In testing some mods lately I have gotten 3 crashes in the last day - all are identical from the logs.

They occur doing 3 different things though - in 3 different parts of the Commonwealth.

I'm powering through the reason I'm doing the testing first (trying not to lose focus which is the real bane of modding)  - I'll come back to isolate and make sense of the crash logs after I'm done.


Modding your game isn't like inserting a DVD into a player and expecting the music to just flow - it's requires a little more finesse than that.

Think of it as using Toothpaste to smooth out scratches on your DVD....   I know, I'm dating myself badly with that analogy.

Takes time, patience and a little bit of inquisitiveness.   


Edited by fraquar
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On 6/6/2024 at 12:39 PM, Pellape said:

The game do crash more and  more, the more you play and the more memory you use.

Not in my experience.  I'm on 163 with a fair amount of mods (close to 300). My game never crashes, but I do not ever remove mods mid-game.

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@DjinnKillerThat's good to know, that it is able to fix it. I do not know what is causing the DTD's but I do have some suspicions though and I bet we do not have the same mod-list. I did clean my mod-list from 50 mods before restarting this play-trough and it feels more stable and I get maybe 1-2 CTD each day right now.

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