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NSFW tags not used appropriately and getting rejected by authors when suggested by users


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although i am and adult men, I myself prefer to block NSFW, skimpy and sexualized content from my frontpage because I share my house with both older and younger people (not to mention my wife), and I wouldn't be confortable if one of them walked in to see me on my computer with a bunch of women in their bikinis on my screen, such as:


You see, I have blocked these kind of contents in my preferences, but they keep showing up every damn time because authors don't tag their mod properly. And these mods even manage to get to hot page, as seen above. 

Every time I try suggesting the tag, but here's what happens:


This is relative to the Inline Bodysuit seen in the first picture above. In this example I didn't even tag nudity, because there is none - just skimpy clothing. Why did it get rejected?


I am not blocking "Adult Content" as a whole because some mods which include any kind of violence, swearing or whatever end up not showing up when you block everything. Yes, there's the option to Blur images, but it wouldn't be necessary if people would just tag their mods accordingly. And what's worse -- why can the author reject the suggested tag?  (and why would they?). I understand if you want to debate wheter your mod is lore friendly or not, if it's immersive, if it's visual or graphical -- for sorting purposes, but the adult tag should be only rejected by moderation.Maybe the author could make their life eaiser by being able to accept the tag when suggested, but rejecting makes no sense. 

I've seen people argue "hur dur you're a grown man", yes, indeed, I have no problem with looking at some beautiful women, but at the appropriate moments and when I want to. I don't want to be flashed by a a buch of semi naked women when my son or my elder mom walks in. For something to be considered NSFW it doens't have to be pure nudity or explicit sex, anything that one wouldn't be confortable to flaunt on their screen in public is enogh to be NSFW -- that's what it means actuall, Not Safe FOR WORK (as in, ytour boss wouldn't be happy to walk in on you with that on screen).


Edited by drpavlov
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I agree that there is insufficient filtering of scantly clad characters which happen to be mostly female (where are all the scantly clad males, I wonder?). Being an adult woman, I am totally NOT interested in looking at scantly clad women... But it is not possible to filter them out properly.

However, I think that mod authors need to be able to reject tags. Unfortunately, users misuse it sometimes, some of my mods were tagged badly, such as tagged with the wrong language or wrong features. Since adult-related tags are just tags the same as all others, you have to have common rules for all tags. So we need some other solution.

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