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Running script on activation of any NPC with a token

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I seem to have run into a wall while making my mod and would appreciate some help.

An NPC with an OnActivate block in their script starts that block instead of a conversation when activated. Is there any way to replicate that effect without having to add the script to specific NPCs in the Construction Set? I'd like it to be tied to a token (item, spell, doesn't matter) that I could add to or remove from any NPCs during gameplay.

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Posted (edited)

There shouldn't be a need for such complex solution. By editing of OnActivate block and inserting Activate command(s) in it will also begin a dialog.

scn RomRSeedNeeusOnActSCR

short m

begin OnActivate
	if IsActionRef playerRef
		if m == 0
			set m to 1
			Message "You activated this NPC for a first time."
			Message "You activated this NPC again."

For example this simple script will show a message whenever you activate NPC and begin a dialog as normal.

Edited by RomanR
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I'm not very good at explaining the issue so please do bear with me here.

Your example script there would be an object script that'd need to be attached directly to specific NPCs in the Construction Set. That's exactly what I want to avoid doing. Let's say the player has a spell that you can use on ANY NPC you want to, and whoever it hits is put in a state where activating displays the message box instead of dialogue. Is this possible? I tried using an event handler and it did play the script but unfortunately it didn't block the dialogue.


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For now the only way I found is to use event handler to put a NPC into unconscious state and adding a token which will show message box and after a choice is made, it will reset that state. Main problem is that after reseting a unconscious flag the face didn't return to its original state. Using Update3D command worked, but the way this command works makes NPC blink.

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What if you have the spell set the actor to destroyed (SetDestroyed), which will stop the player from being able to activate them?  Will your OnActivate event still fire?  If so, you would need to do the 'SetDestroyed 0' to return the actor to normal.

I am guessing you are using the OnActivate event to catch this.  For further help please post your scripts.

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9 hours ago, GamerRick said:

What if you have the spell set the actor to destroyed (SetDestroyed), which will stop the player from being able to activate them?  Will your OnActivate event still fire?  If so, you would need to do the 'SetDestroyed 0' to return the actor to normal.

I am guessing you are using the OnActivate event to catch this.  For further help please post your scripts.

Yes, use of this command did the trick and all seems working as it should. As I used OnActivate event in combination with a token, my result is this:


scn RomRSetHandlerQSTScript
float fQuestDelayTime
short showMBox

begin MenuMode 1044
    set fQuestDelayTime to 0.1
    if GetGameRestarted
        SetEventHandler "OnActivate" RomRFnOnActivateHandler
        Message "On Activate handler set."

As you run Oblivion, reaching the main menu will initialize OnActivate event, editor ID of this quest is RomRActivateQST in CS (I was lazy to change that).


scn RomRFnOnActivateHandler

ref actor
ref object
int type

begin function {object, actor}
    if actor == playerRef && object != 0
        let type := object.GetObjectType
        if type == 35 ;NPC
            if object.GetDead == 0 && RomRActivateQST.showMBox != 0 && object.GetDestroyed == 0
                object.SetDestroyed 1
                set type to object.GetItemCount RomRActToken
                if type == 0
                    object.AddItem RomRActToken 1

This handler applies some filtering and adds a token to NPC which will do the rest of work. Notice the use showMBox quest variable present in previous quest script, so you must set this variable to nonzero value first .


scn RomRActTokenScript

ref actor
short mBox
short choice

begin GameMode
    if actor == 0
        set actor to GetContainer
    if actor != 0
        if mBox == 0
            set mBox to 1
            set choice to -1
        if mBox > 0
            MessageBox "Choose!","1","2","Nothing" 
            set mBox to -1
        if mBox == -1 && choice < 0
            set choice to GetButtonPressed
        elseif mBox == -1
            if choice == 0
                print "You choose first."
            if choice == 1
                print "You choose second."
            if choice == 2
                print "You choose nothing."
            if actor.GetDestroyed != 0
                actor.SetDestroyed 0
            set mBox to -2
        if mBox == -2
            set mBox to 0
            set actor to 0

And this is what you wanted. In this example a token will show a message box and your choice will be printed to console. After this token will reset NPC's "destroyed" flag and detaches from inventory.

As mentioned earlier, this approach is propably overkill. But all you need is to set one variable "on/off". 

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