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Locking things.


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We should be able to lock things.

Seriously, things are locked in the first place and much is made of using locks in Hearthfire item construction.

One of the things I miss most about my poor desecrated Fallout 4 was the Fallout Who regenerated Sonic Shades which not only gave an added means to unlock things but the ability to lock them as well!

We should be able to lock things. (Console command Lock only locks anything it's used on to Level 0, btw)

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11 hours ago, BlazeStryker said:

(Console command Lock only locks anything it's used on to Level 0, btw)

lock can actually lock any level if you tell it to -- lock <level> -- e.g., lock 25 or lock 101.  From UESP > Skyrim:Console...


lock <level>

Lock targeted object (i.e. door, container) with a difficulty of <level>.

Values of <level> will display in the tooltip for the locked object as follows: 0 - 25: Apprentice, 26 - 50: Adept, 51 - 75: Expert, 76 - 100: Master, 101+: Requires Key.

So, say, lock 55 will make it show as Locked (Adept), while lock 100 will be the hardest Master, and lock 101 will show Requires Key.


Still, it would be nice if we could use our keys to re-lock the things they unlock.


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Hell, if these things have so much as spring latches they should easily be lockable again by the "roguish type" who picked the damn thing. It's not "break lock", it's "unlock", so Thieving Dude should be able to relock the stupid thing. Hell, even if you take only one thing without getting detected, the guards should notice everything that could be locked not being locked! Trying to avoid that much work is (as always) why it wasn't included in the base game or any time since.

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